[20] Conversations and Laughter

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A bellowing roar came from the storm as it raged on ferociously and the air grew thick with danger. SF candidates scrambled to get away––any flames of determination and confidence to take on the vengeful apparition was extinguished and any desire to show off to the camera was decimated with desperation for survival. Alastor had just left your body and he was still this powerful? Maybe you should be a little nicer to him.

Cracks on the ground drew between your legs, causing your balance to become precarious for a moment. You whispered to yourself a quiet 'alright!' before taking off, diving headfirst into the storm. The wind screeched ghastly and you could faintly hear Amias's concerned shouts. Though you felt guilty, you had to ignore him and didn't spare a glance back.

"Don't you think people will be suspicious even if you attack me?" Alastor asked. "Why would a vengeful apparition leave the host's body in good condition?"

"I'll think of an excuse that'll explain that. Maybe I can play it off as I'm super strong––don't give me that doubtful look. Anyways, just continue to wreak havoc and we'll go from there."

Alastor didn't go easy on you. Yes, it was necessary to ensure that no one suspected that the two of you were working together. But it still didn't mean you enjoyed getting owned by someone younger than you. When you fought him in the game, you didn't think too much of the difficulty. Alastor wasn't some boss you could kill in one shot, but his attack patterns were easy to get the hang out of. And the more you provoked him, the more haphazard he was and the more openings there were to take advantage of.

During that point of the game, Alastor would've already completely lost himself. In the height of his vengeance, no rationale left and only waiting to be exorcised by the main character of the story. No one would remember him as anything else but the vengeful apparition, the first boss of the game. And admittedly, when you advanced further into the game you didn't think much of him as well.

"Well, it's definitely different now," you mumbled, raising an arm to shield a wave of strong wind. "Alright, now we wait––"

No need to wait, the ground underneath you split open and solid ground disappeared. Wait, wait––what was this––?! You screamed when you realised that you were falling. Hey, since you weren't good at acting at least the camera picked up on your genuine fear.

"Alastor, can you make it so that no one sees us? Like before where you summoned a whole bunch of rain around me."

"Obviously I can, what do you take me for? But the rain wouldn't be enough to completely make sure no one sees us."

"Is there anything else you can do?"

A ghost of a smirk touched his lips. "There is. Just trust me on this."

"Alastor, I swear to god when I get my hands on you––!"

You had to cut your complaint short when you saw solid ground rapidly approaching. You summoned Mochi and managed to land without an issue aside from being out of breath and having a heart rate going a million miles per minute. Looking up, you realised just how far you fell. How did Alastor create such a deep pit so quickly?

"When you get your hands on me you'll what?"

There he was. Arms crossed and leaning against the wall of the pit with an indifferent expression as if he didn't just make your life flash before your very eyes. With how you were about to act, you prepared to feel like a mother reprimanding a child.

"Alastor, you could've given me a heads up!"

Alastor coughed quietly and covered his lips with a hand. "Then the shock factor wouldn't be there."

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