[25] Thoughts

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"Well, this isn't good."

Anomalous was a game categorised under the supernatural genre so you'd expect there to be––well, supernatural elements. Apparitions and exorcists fill in that category. But this town? It was the very definition of supernatural. The way it ran was... interesting, to say the least. For those who resided here; some had become a shell of their former selves, aimlessly wandering the town and surviving rather than living. Others had developed all the necessary senses to survive no matter the moral compromises.

Even you didn't know the full details and how the place was populated and functioning. Albeit, not functioning that well. As always, you had theories and speculations, but the mysterious nature of the town was part of its charm in the game. Just a moment ago you were talking to Caleb. Yet, the moment your eyes were off him, silver curtains of mist obscured your sight. And now you were alone in an empty space. You could shout and scream all you like, but only silence would pitifully respond back.

These incidences, how would you put it... It's purpose was to trap an individual with their past. If the individual breaks down or loses their mind, they become the perfect victim for possession. Either that or they wander around forever in the mist until basic survival needs such as food and water catch up to them. It was creepy knowing that a supposed inanimate town was capable of manipulating people as if it were alive itself.

Why, how, when exactly does this occur? Who knows.

The air was thick with mist and broken fragments of light managed to seep through it, leaving you with minimal lighting. Anyone who wandered here alone would feel all sorts of negative emotions and the feeling varied depending on the person. For you? There was no one around, but you felt like many eyes were on you; intrusive and judgemental gaze hidden behind the dense fog that watched your every movement.

Being alone here would be a nightmare. Thankfully you don't have to be alone. With a snap of your fingers, you summoned Mochi. The wolf barked happily and nuzzled his face against your cheek. You laughed at the gesture. Already, you felt miles better.

Alastor, Sam, Alec, and Copper decided to show up as well. The twins immediately ran over to pet Mochi before they began to explore the area, trying to find something other than endless mist. When they found nothing, the two exchanged curious glances and ran back to you.

"Big sister, what is this place?" Sam asked.

"Will you be okay?" Alec held up his arm and smiled. "You can hold my hand if you want!"

Your heart melted at how cute the twins were.

Alastor glanced around. "Welp, this is a predicament. Sucks for you."

Copper folded his arms and groaned. "Ugh, this place feels creepy."

You sighed wearily. The responses sure vary, don't they?

Mochi gently bumped into you and licked your cheek. It was like his own way of reassurance. A smile on your lips, you patted him on the head. Sam was eager to join in so she ran into the wolf and was swallowed by his fur. Her brother joined soon after. It was hard to hold in your laughter. Copper rolled his eyes and mumbled something about the twins being childish.

Alastor sighed. "On a more serious note, I've never heard of this place before. Any ideas?"

"A few."

It would be a surprise if Alastor did know what this place was. Civilians always remained inside the city walls due to the dangers. In fact, most civilians don't think much of outside the city. Sure the occasional rumour and conversation would float here and there; people acknowledged it, but carried on with their lives as usual. Exorcists who thought they were strong enough have attempted to come here and explore far outside the walls, but never made it back for various reasons. And those reasons were basically the same; death. And only a few SF members have personally experienced this space.

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