[22] Suppressed Feelings

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Caleb's older brother by a few years and an apparition; James. When you played Anomalous, your first thought when encountering him was 'if character hot, why dead.' Yeah, you weren't too proud of yourself for that one. But, who could blame you? Now, unfortunately, you didn't have the luxury to admire his character design behind a digital screen. You readied yourself, attentive for what's to come.

James didn't seem bothered by your lack of response. "Since you didn't correct me, I'll just assume that I was right on the money. Oh! You know, I watched the SF trials. You definitely know how to put on a good show. I like that. Take the spotlight for yourself, that's how it should be."

James's voice was the kind you'd hear and all your worries would melt away. Though when he spoke with amusement and playfulness in his tone, it made for a very deceptive contrast.

Alright, now how are you supposed to stall for time until Caleb arrives?

"Is it safe to assume that you won't let me leave here without a fight?" you asked.

"I'd love to step aside and let you go. Actually, that was my initial idea. But I figured using you as a hostage for my little brother would be much more fun." He laughed. "C'mon, don't give me that look. I'm sure you won't go down easily, have some faith in yourself."

Encouraging words with a cheerful expression, yet hidden underneath were malicious intentions. Being around this guy for too long will definitely exhaust you. You cracked your knuckles and lowered your gaze; at least you knew what to expect from him, so his abilities won't come off as a surprise.

"You won't make the first move? Okay~ guess it doesn't hurt to strike first."

The ravens that surrounded the area began circling closer around you. Their caws swallowed up the eerie tranquillity of the space and you struggled to see James because of how many ravens there were. Some grouped up and dove towards you, lacerating through the air like a blade. Quickly, you summoned Mochi and he protected you. A growl left the wolf and some of the ravens backed off.

You heard a chuckle from James.

"So, you do work with apparitions. You're a fun one, (Y/n)––but, you know, your reaction to me was not what I expected." He pouted. "I was a well known and loved exorcist! Where are my tears of joy? Exasperated gasps? Words of denial? Or are you like Elias who loves getting straight to the point––ah, but he does have an emotional side to him. But that's besides the point, you seem far too calm and focused. That ruins the excitement. Shame on you."

You and Mochi exchanged unamused looks. "Sorry, should I try that again from the top?"

"I'm touched by the thought, but no need," he said. "I'm curious. How would you defeat an apparition if you can't exorcise them? You don't seem to have any exorcism abilities."

"Wouldn't it be more fun to find out?"

His expression brightened. "You're right!"

James snapped his fingers and the ravens continued to attack you and the air became heavy. James manipulates air, that's not fun. The ravens encompassed the space around you, creating a stifling and inescapable wall. If you ran straight towards it, you could expect to be torn to shreds. However, if you were to remain here, you'd collapse because of a lack of oxygen.

Guess you had no other choice. Copper, can you hear me?

I know, I know.

You needed to lead James to a place where there were a lot of shadows. Slowly, you continued to avoid the ravens whilst Mochi helped protect you in your blind spots. Every other second, you'd shuffle a little more to the side and the ravens would follow you. Faintly, you could see James's amused expression. Eventually, you got him right where you needed. Stealing a quick glance beneath your feet, you nodded to yourself seeing that you were standing on one of the building's shadow.

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