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"it's nice to see you again." jongseong spoke up as he watched the raven haired man sit adjacent him. it was time for heera's ballet class again and the class was practicing their pirouettes.

"it's nice to see you too, mr. park." sunoo bowed his head with a gentle grin to the older.

jay liked having company, especially in times like this where he'd be sitting for a while. sunoo happened to be good company. he spoke with a sense of self assuredness and had a calm aura. something the professor gravitated towards in people.

"how was your work today?" sunoo quicky made small talk. he never minded small talk because you can really learn a lot about someone.

"it was very good actually. we had an exam and the average score was high. it made me feel like all my teachings were successful. how was your day?" jay's expression reflected the other's.

"you seem to have a good sense of pride in your work. today for me wasn't unusual. me and eunjoo stuck to our regular routine before coming here. but i think we may visit my family soon." sunoo spoke casually and continued watching the ballerinas dance around happily.

"routine can be good though. it gives you a sense of security." sunoo's attention moved back towards the male beside him and he couldn't help to chortle at the seriousness of jongseong's face.

"what?" jay's eyebrows furrowed as he watched the younger man laugh a breathy, gleeful laugh.

"you're so serious sometimes." sunoo was breaking their formality with his snickers and jongseong was soon to join in.

"am i?" jongseong had been told this many times but this time he really wanted to know. if someone he's had a handful of conversations could sense his earnestness, it must be true.

sunoo stated with half a smile, "you are." even though jongseong could be serious, he was friendly and inviting. it was easy for sunoo to talk to him.

jay returned to the main topic after shaking his head in disagreement. "so you said you're going to visit family? do they live far?"

"not very far, just in the next city over. i just never find time to visit them, which i feel bad for because i know they miss eunjoo." he sighed, he knew how precious time was but for some reason it was hard for him to make time to see his parents and sibling. it always weighed on his brain since they were the ones there for him all his life and when eunjoo was an infant.

"i'm sure they miss you, as well as eunjoo. and it's okay, that's life. the fact that you're making time to go see them now, is what really matters." jay shrugged simply. it was easy for him to say sappy things like this.

it wasn't much, but sunoo appreciated the kind words.

"thank you mr. park." the younger male felt like all he's been doing is smiling since he arrived. it felt so good to talk to someone and get small problems off his chest.

"you can just call me jongseong or jay, whichever you prefer. i think we can drop the formalities, right?"

"right, you can call me sunoo." this was nice. something in the back of the male's heads wished they could eventually become friends with one another. friends would be nice. sunoo didn't have many friends in the city of seoul so he missed having that connection with people his age.

they both needed someone to just, listen.

before they knew it, ballet class came to an end and all the children were returning to their parents in order to exit the building.

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