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song recommendation: umaasa -calein

after breakfast, the three of them got everything needed for the day while continuing to keep the location a secret from eunjoo.

"where are we going, appa? i can't wait anymore." the little girl called from the backseat as jay drove the three of them to the destination.

"it wouldn't be a surprise if i told you, right?" jay smiled at her from the rearview mirror. to which the girl huffed in anticipation. she loved surprises, she was just very impatient.

as they drove on, eunjoo stared out the window and began to notice her surroundings. the familiar view of roller-coasters appeared in the distance and she began to feel excitement waiting to explode.

"the amusement park?!" she jumped around in her seat as she announced what the surprise was for them.

"that's right!" sunoo chuckled as he looked back at the girl who couldn't stay still any longer.

amusement parks were one of kim eunjoo's favorite places. besides her mother's gravesite and the aquarium. they had been there plenty of times but she would never get tired of riding every ride in sight.

after scanning their tickets, the three of them began their adventure in the amusement park. they always began at the biggest rides first. the lines were longer and they would rather start off with all the excitement possible.

after the first ride, jay's hair stood up and defied gravity. eunjoo laughed at him for two minutes straight as he stood there with a goofy smile. sunoo of course took a million pictures to blackmail him later with.

after a few rides it seemed like eunjoo was enjoying making fun of her appa, more than the rides themselves. "appa you screamed so loud! i thought it was the girl next to me!" her and sunoo were practically hunched over with laughter.

"i didn't know it would get dark!" jay attempted to defend himself with bright red cheeks. he never expected for the ride to go into a tunnel, so technically it wasn't his fault for getting startled.

after two more rides, sunoo and eunjoo announced they had to use the restroom. so while they were gone, jongseong stood on duty, watching over their items like his life depended on it.

as he scrolled through his phone, he felt the presence of someone in front of him. he leisurely lifted his gaze, only for his eyes to widen dramatically at who stood in front of him.

"park sena..." jongseong stated the name that tasted foreign on his tongue. he hadn't seen the woman in four years. and clearly a lot had changed for the both of them.

he didn't feel bitter towards the woman. he was much happier now, and he assumed the same was for her judging by the smile on her lips.

"it's nice to see you park jongseong." she bowed as far as she could, now that there was something restricting her movement.

"wow..." jay's eyes traveled down to her very prominent bump. "congratulations." he gave her a genuine smile. 

"thank you. it seems like people do change." her delicate hand instinctually landed softly onto her protruding tummy. 

she was expecting her first child with her fiancé. although in the past, she was against the idea of children all together. when she met the love of her life, that changed for her. and when she found out about her pregnancy, she was beyond exhilarated.

"i suppose they do." jongseong nodded before hearing the sound of his daughter's voice coming from behind him.

"appa can you carry me, please? my feet hurt." the girl complained as she took his hand and stared up at him with her best puppy dog eyes.

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