I couldn't focus on Soroush Hakeem for over a month. Exam season had come and every walking moment of the students of IDA (International Daffodil Academy,  baby!!! Co-ed,  though girls had different classes than girls because of religious reasons) was filled with study,  study and even more study. 

Chemistry,  still proved to be a pain in the ass and yet still,  whilst answering the questions,  I was sure I'd get a good grade. Maybe not the best grade out there,  but at least,  I would not fail. 

Exams ended.  It was time to relax. 

And a customary rule for Tina after exams was to invite me for a sleepover at her house,  an apartment that was two stories above us.

Tina's mom and dad mysteriously always ended up out of the house and her brother's didn't live with their parents anymore so the house was always left to her.  And me. I once asked her where her parents went and to which,  she'd reply in a sage voice: "Away,  into the unknown."

After making popcorn,  both of us sat on the rug in front of the huge flat-screen TV and put on Season One of My Hero Academia. I loved the story line and the characters. Tina purely watched it out of love for Bakugo.

Yeah,  she was an anime fan through and through,  alright. 

As we transitioned to episode two,  Tina took a popcorn in her mouth and asked,  "So?"

"So... What?" I asked.

"Soroush," she said with raised eyebrows.

"What about him?" I asked.  Shezwa and I made a deal to not tell anyone about our escapade to the bike track.  The fewer that knew this,  the better.

"Anything?  Did he complain to your mom? Or... Did you visit his house or anything?"

I shook my head,  "Nu uh. No contact."

Tina raised her eyebrows,  "Are you sure? Because it looks like something did happen."

"What do you think happened?"  I asked.

"You guys had another interaction." she said with a cocky grin.

"No,  we did not.  And even if we did,  so what? It isn't like we're going to get married or whatever. Jeez!"

"Do you remember what Dua said? About Soroush... "

The doorbell rang.

Tina sighed,"Who in the world decided to come now?"

I paused what we were watching and followed Tina,  placing a scarf around my hair like she did.

She opened the door. Soroush's grandmother stood there,  smiling.

"Assalamualaikum,  Jida, " I said,  smiling warmly, "How may I help you?"

"Ah,  Walaykumsalam.  Elizha,  right?" she asked and I nodded.

"Oh yes.  My Soroush likes talking about you very much.  I did ring your house but nor you,  nor your mother were there,  so I decided to come upstairs and have a chat with you. Fulfill my duties as a neighbor."

"Oh," I looked at Tina,  who just gave a shrug. "In that case,  come in."

"Am I disturbing you?" she asked.

"No,  no,  JidaOf course not.  You can come here anytime," Tina said,  warmly, "Please,  come in."

"Okay.  Jazakallah."

I entered with Soroush's grandmother whilst Tina took the liberty of cleaning up the mess that we made.

"What a nice house you have! Ma Sha Allah!"

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