Chapter 07 - Cirilla 02!

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[Chapter Size: 2500 Words.]
Third Person POV

Cindra, northern kingdoms.



Cirilla and Geralt continued their journey through the forest after seeing that the boy had left. They still had many questions about the strange boy who even made a witcher like him cautious. While Geralt remained silent, keeping his questions to himself, the young woman beside him seemed unable to hold back, filled with questions about the enigmatic red-eyed boy they had encountered. She bombarded Geralt with questions, while he, with his usual calm, answered with short and direct sentences, often admitting he did not know the answers.

"Geralt, have you ever seen someone with eyes like his before? They were red but had dark spots; I've never seen anything like it. Are they magic eyes?" Cirilla asked, trying to keep up with the witcher's pace.

"No, and I don't know." Geralt replied, keeping his eyes on the path ahead.

"And how did he manage to spit fire like a dragon? That's amazing!" she exclaimed, still impressed by the memory.

"I don't know, Ciri. I've never seen anything like it before," Geralt admitted, starting to show signs of fatigue from the young woman's insistence.

However, Cirilla was not ready to give up. "And his jumps, Geralt! He leaped between the trees as if he were flying! How is that possible?"

Geralt sighed lightly, feeling the exhaustion from the girl's incessant curiosity. "Maybe he trained for it, or maybe he has abilities that we simply don't understand."

Cirilla seemed to ponder Geralt's answers, but her mind was still buzzing with more questions. "Do you think he's some kind of witcher too? Or something even more powerful?"

"No witcher can spit fire." Geralt spoke and continued. "There are many things in this world that are beyond our understanding, Ciri," said Geralt, evasively.

"Do you think he's dangerous?" she asked, looking at Geralt with a thoughtful expression.

"Possibly," Geralt responded, "But he helped us against the necrophages. That must count for something."

"Could I do that too?" She asked hopefully.

"Very unlikely." Geralt said, skipping a stone and helping Ciri up a steep path.

"Can you do that?" She asked.


"Do you think we'll find him again?" Cirilla questioned, looking back as if she expected to see Madara following them.

"It's hard to say," Geralt said, his voice revealing a trace of uncertainty.

Cirilla sighed, frustrated with Geralt's evasive answers, but her curiosity about Madara remained. "Geralt, do you think he's part of that prophecy? The man with the changing eye colors?"

Geralt stopped for a moment, looking at Ciri with seriousness. "Remember that prophecies are not everything they seem, so don't just rely on that."

Cirilla nodded, absorbing Geralt's words, but the image of Madara, with his red eyes and extraordinary abilities, remained fixed in her mind.

As they continued their journey, the six-year-old girl continued with her questions while Geralt had even stopped answering the girl many times.

"Geralt, do you think Madara is human or some kind of magical creature?"

"How did he manage to hang from that tree upside down without falling?"

"Did he learn to spit fire or was he born with that power?"

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