Chapter 14 - Cintra 07!

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It was hard to write this chapter, I thought I wouldn't be able to, since I've been sick all day here... But we did it, I hope I've maintained the quality.

[Chapter Size: 1800 Words.]
Third Person POV

Cintra, northern kingdoms.



A week had dragged on since Madara Uchiha eliminated his pursuers and declared war on the underworld organization of the area. However, he did not make a direct attack; he needed to train his skills with a greater amount of chakra and with the fireball, not wanting to enter a situation like what happened with Greg, since his fire jutsu was more of an all-or-nothing move than him having control of the situation.

But that didn't stop him from acting in the shadows, for days, Madara ran through the southern part of the city hunting down Murty's men, one by one, they fell and appeared lying dead in alleys alone with clean cuts. The legend of the boy with red eyes began to grow stronger here, with many attributing the murder cases to the boy on the poster more than anything else in public opinion, making people fearful while they began to draw their curtains earlier than usual.

Murty was not someone Madara was familiar with and knew that soon this man would make a move, from what he tried to extract information from the gang, the leader was a dwarf, quite gruff and would do anything to achieve his goals.

Meanwhile, at the base of his gang, the man who commanded the underworld of the area was sitting looking at some men trembling at that moment.

"I already told you, Murty! He's killing all of us, the guys are afraid to go out on the street!" One of the men spoke bowing in front of the dwarf.

"Yes, he has eyes like blood, wings on his back, and claws, spitting fire like a humanoid dragon!" spoke the other with some fear.

"You're talking nonsense! Get out of here!" Murty spoke angrily, no longer wanting to hear those men.

Another man approached. "What should we do, boss, this isn't good for business... The men think we are the target of this child-monster." He spoke calmly.

"A child, they say... But there's no child capable of such deeds," Murty murmured, his mind working frantically. "What are you, then? A specter? An abomination?" He exclaimed, but it was more a question to himself than to his man.

He turned to the man who came to speak with him. "He eliminated 12 of my men... If we're going to fight a ghost, let's go all out to catch that bastard and make him regret messing with us, I want to catch that creature and kill him after torturing him!" he declared.

"But how?" The man asked.

"Everyone talks about seeing a shadow running on the rooftops of houses, let's catch him with our men, I want at least 20 beasts on the roofs. Also, send a message to our contact, say his business might be in danger, at least he will send help with that." Murty declared and the men nodded, doing exactly as he asked.

Meanwhile, Madara was training his body in the forests passing through the walls of Cintra without drawing attention, he made one of the abandoned houses his temporary base in the city, but always left to spend time or even days in the forest, training the great fireball jutsu and improving his chakra control. Madara always acted against the gang at night, Madara returned to the city, a ninja among the shadows. He hunted the members of Murty's gang doing illicit or immoral activities.

But today was different, he decided to act by going to Murty's base after getting this information from his men in the last few days, as he entered the city during the afternoon, he went towards the blacksmith he had requested his work from.

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