ch. 20 • rose colored glasses

665 23 2

AN: this is literally nothing but smut, have fun ♥

There was this thrill that circulated throughout my body, seeing her run away. Viewing exactly what my words, actions, and motions could do to her. It excited me beyond the plane of imagination-

I wanted her to break.

How fucking nuts is that?

No normal human wants someone to take control of their very being- right? But when she mentioned how much she has to hold back when it comes to me, I felt my eyes roll back into my head. It became my mission to taunt her, force jealousy upon her, until she lost it.

"What's a beautiful girl like you doing sitting here all alone?" The second man of the evening sat in Laurie's seat, shoving her half-drunk whiskey sour away with one hand.

I smiled and fluttered my eyelashes at him. "Oh nothing much, just having a drink before getting some sleep. Can't be up all night, y'know."

"And why is that?" His fingers traced a pattern against my exposed arm. I shivered and flinched internally.

I giggled, obnoxiously, and suppressed a gag. "No one to spend it with, I've got a flight to catch in the morning. What's the point of staying up until the wee hours of the night? A girl needs her beauty rest, mister."

"You definitely do not need beauty rest, babygirl," he muttered as his hand dropped to my exposed thigh, toying with the hem of the slit of my dress.

Laurie, now would be the time-

"Are you done?" Her voice, cold and firm, projected from behind me.

"Excuse me?" Strange Man bristled. His hand tightened on my thigh.

Internally, I cackled. My portrayal? I whimpered.

Instantly, Laurie cracked. She lunged forward and grabbed her whiskey sour, dumping the contents into the eyes of the male patron. She screamed at him in French, and from what I could understand- none of it was pleasant.

Her hand clenched my wrist and she tugged, dragging me, stumbling, towards the exit. The tightness of her grip sent shivers down my spine. She was silent-deathly silent, dangerously quiet.

My heart skipped and my stomach flipped. The elevator ride was silent, save for her heavy breathing and restless feet. Everyone we passed in the lobby barely batted an eye. Mind your business must be this resort's motto.

With unsteady hands, Laurie unlocked our suite and pointed forcefully for me to enter. I did her bidding and stood right past the door, allowing her room to step in. The door slammed shut and she jammed the lock in place.

"Mackenzie," she hissed. Her hair was wind-whipped, her face still dotted with residual water from the restroom. The fire in her eyes combatted the icy steel of her irises.

"Y-Yes ma'am?" I whispered.

"You are playing wicked games," she warned once more. "My patience is thin. I will soon be unable to hold back-"

"Who said I wanted you to?" I interrupted loudly, folding my arms and squinting. "Who said?"

"My darling..."

I sucked my teeth and rolled my eyes. "Fine, whatever you say. I knew you couldn't do it-"

"Mackenzie..." Sinister, deep, and definitely the sexiest warning she'd ever given me.

"I told you it was my choice, and I made my decision-"

"Tais toi!" Laurie shouted, stepping forward and towering over me.

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