Chapter 6

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A few weeks pasted and you had a couple more sessions with the serial killer. Luckily, any weird topics didn't come up surprisingly. It was almost....normal?

It was odd.

He went from talking about his hunger and erges to just 'normal' things. I was tempted to try to broch the uncomfortable subject again but I didn't know how.

Think y/n!! Your a skilled therapist!! This isn't your first time having murderous clints?! Why are you drawing a blank?!

You groan slamming your head on the table.

Your next session for this week with Wally or should you say 'Butcher' was approaching fast. It was tomorrow in the afternoon and you didn't feel ready.

You hear footsteps approach. You guessed it Ester probably asking if she could make you another cup of coffee, something to help with or something else it depends.

You hear footsteps stop infront of your desk. You were still face down on the desk.

She clears her throat.

You look up with tired eyes your chin still resting on the table, you hadn't been sleeping well. It was a normal thing but it has been getting worse but you would try to hide it denie it.

"I wanted to let you know that your appointment has been moved up to today."

Your eyes widen, sitting up straight.

"What?! What do you mean it's been moved to today?!" You launched up from your seat, it was also likely if this happened then it's likely that it will be happening soon and you were going to be late-

"I'm sorry, once again a late notice."

You growl through gridded teeth clenching your fists.

'I'm going to kill the higher ups'

Ester could see your frustration.

"Don't worry it's not for another hour."

You give her a side eye. She coughs dryly in her hand looking away slightly in embarrassment.

"I should get going- I don't want to get stuck in some stupid traffic." You growl, grabbing your bag and a few neccisuty that you would need.

"Keep the fort stable while I'm gone. Thx again Ester." And with that you leave through the door without another word.


While you were driving you remembered how Wally would now and again act weird or ask you questions, usually personal.

'Meh, it's probably nothing'

You think brushing it off then continue driving.


You make it to the psych ward. You go through the normal security procedures and head inside.

You had got decently used to it by now. You even got a bit used to the now and again disturbing sounds that would echo through the halls.


The guard was presently opening the door that led into Wally's cell for you.

When it fully opens you step in looking into the now semi familiar bland room.

You see Wally waiting patiently for you, but it's not like he has much choice.

You walk over to the chair and sit down. His piercing eyes observing you intently.

"Let's start off from where we left off." You shuffle a few papers making them straight in a neat pile.

"I want to ask you about your family life."

Hello~ (Butcher Wally x Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora