𝐄𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐢𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬

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Maddie peered through the crowd of dancing people, trying to spot Y/N and Toby. She had explained the entire plan to Brad. Now all she had to do was get Y/N on board. 

Maddie squinted in the bright lights, eventually spotting the back of Toby's head. She took a breath, bringing herself to a casual state of mind. 

She walked up to them, and before she said anything, Y/N noticed her. 

"Maddie? I thought you went to go find Jason," Y/N said. Toby turned his attention away from Y/N and looked at Maddie. Maddie shook her head, tucking some hair behind her ear. 

"I couldn't find him," she responded with a subtle laugh, clutching her purse. She glanced at Toby before looking back to Y/N, leaning slightly closer so she could hear her over the loud music. 

"I'm sorry about our little argument earlier! I was just stressed because of Jason," Maddie lied, putting a hand on her chest with sincerity. "But I was thinking that we could go to Brad's afterparty together!" 

Y/N was contemplating Maddie's apology when she mentioned an afterparty. 

"Oh, I don't know about that; I'm sure I'll be drained by the time homecoming is over." Y/n said, tilting her head. Maddie sighed softly. 

"You can bring him." Maddie motioned to Toby, who looked a bit shocked by the gesture. "I'm sure Brad won't mind; he's usually too drunk to think straight anyway," Maddie said, waving it off.

The thought of bringing Toby to a party that was full of his bullies sounded like a terrible idea. Just considering it made Y/N feel awful. Toby intently listened to their talk, taking in the feeling of being involved in something more than the punch line of a joke. 

"Sorry, Maddie, but we're good," Y/N said, having more confidence this time. Maddie shrugged and tossed her hair over her shoulder. 

"Awwww, well, that's okay. Have fun!" Y/N watched as she walked away, turning her head to Toby. 

"Was she acting off to you?" Y/N questioned, resting a hand on her hip. 

"I-I don't know... I've never really talked to her..." He responded, his shoulders slouching a bit as Maddie disappeared from sight. Y/N's eyebrows scrunched together, and she let out a sigh. Toby gulped, trying to think of something to say. 

"Maybe she's being nice," Toby said. The corners of his lips curled into a small smile. Y/N chuckled at Toby's remark. 

"Yeah, I'm sure," Y/N said sarcastically, shaking her head. Y/N looked over Toby's shoulder, and she spotted Brad and his little group of jocks. 

"Um," Y/n started before grabbing Toby's hand. "Let's go somewhere else," she suggested, pulling him towards the exit of the gym. Toby's eyes widened as he was pulled in that direction. 

Y/N closed the door behind them and looked through the small window. Brad and his friends: We're talking to a group of girls, most likely underclassmen. Toby shot Y/N a confused look.
"Why did we do that?" he asked. 

"A group of idiots walked in," Y/N smirked. She checked to see if anyone else was in the hall before starting to run as fast as she could without tripping. 

"Wha-" Toby blurted before chasing close behind her. Y/N laughed and turned in a different direction. Toby soon caught up, and Y/N came to a slow stop. Toby came to a slow stop and looked at her, wondering why she would run all of a sudden. 

Y/N smiled at him, trying to catch her breath. Toby smiled back. He soon realized how close their faces were. His face flushed beet red, and he froze. Their faces were less than a foot apart, and he couldn't help but dart his eyes to her lips. 

Toby felt the paper corsage in his pocket, stuffed next to her keys. He realized he caught feelings, and he couldn't do anything to stop them. After a second of staring into Y/N's eyes, he cleared his throat and took a step back. 

"S-sorry" He managed to quietly get out. He covered his mouth with one hand, forcing his gaze away from her. The few seconds he was near her felt like an eternity. Y/N tilted her head. 

"Sorry for what?" She asked, looking at him with a softened expression. Toby's heart fluttered, and he shifted his gaze to the floor. 

"Nothing," he whispered. "Let's just go to our spot." 

"What do you mean she said no?" Brad said, his voice full of anger. Maddie rolled her eyes. 

"It's fine; I told you I have this under control," Maddie said, gesturing for him to calm down. 

"You said that you would get her to come to the party," Brad said, staying loud enough to be heard over the speakers. "It's probably because Ticci-Bastard is holding her back," he said. 

Maddie shook her head. "Hold her back? Without him, she wouldn't have even come here!" Maddie said, flicking Brad's forehead, "I know she'll come because I was as nice as to invite Toby."

Brad flinched back at the quick assault, putting one hand over his forehead with an 'owch'. 

"I told you to invite Y/N, not that freak," Brad said, his face red with frustration. Maddie huffed loudly. 

"You've got a thick skull, you know that?" She said, crossing her arms, "I invited him because he follows her around like a lost puppy. He's going to think that he actually has a chance with her. He's going to want to impress her, so he's going to prove he's 'brave' by coming to your party." 

"Oh, I get it now," Brad mumbled, thinking of what she said as he rubbed his forehead. "My skull ain't that thick."

Maddie groaned. "You're so fucking stupid..." she said under her breath. Brad shrugged and looked back at his friends, who were trying to hit on girls, none of whom Brad was interested in. 

"So why are you doing this for me again?" Brad asked, crossing his arms. 

"It's not just for you," Maddie said plainly. "I have to make sure she doesn't hang out with losers like Ticci-Toby." 

"Now, all we have to do is wait for him to come to the party," Maddie shrugged. Brad pulled the keys from his back pocket and twirled them on his index finger. 

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's get the party started."

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