★The Proxy Symbol★

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Toby tensed up and his head shot to the front door. Y/N looked at Toby with the same worry he had on his own face. Toby got up and crept to the bedroom to get a shirt. Y/N went up to the window, peeking behind the curtain.

There was a male police officer standing outside the door with his hands on his hips. Y/n immediately shrunk away from the window, closing the cuttain back. Toby put on a dark green tank Toby and looked at Y/N. She mouthed the words "police officer" and pointed to the door.

Toby nodded, tucking his pocket knife into his pocket. His hand lingered over the door handle, thinking a few sentences ahead, then opening the door. He really didn't feel like having to kill off an police man today, but if it came to that, he wouldn't hestiate.

The officer looked up at Toby before speaking.  "Sorry for bothering you, but we've been on the look out for suspicious activity in these woods. Would you mind telling me if you've seen anything?" the officer asked.

Toby's mind blanked, he stared at the officer before clearing his throat. He expected some handcuffs to be brought out, or maybe a hand gun, but the officer hand no idea that he was a murderer. Toby thought that he would have been bit startled by his appearance, especially startled by the gaping scar on his cheek, yet the officer didn't seem phased for some reason. An idea dawned in him and he leaned against the doorframe.

"No, it's completely fine. I wasn't very busy. And for the suspicious activity, I haven't seen much. Not a lot of people come this deep in the woods, no?" Toby said casually. The words felt like they just came to him naturally, or as if it was someone else speaking through him.

"Okay, thank you for your time, and sorry for wasting your time" The officer nodded with a sigh, walking back to his police car.

"Have a nice evening" Toby smiled before closing the door. Toby looked at Y/N, and Y/N looked at Toby. They both looked at each other with a confused expression.

"I thought you were about to get busted" Y/N said, slumping against the couch. Toby nodded slowly, peeking out the window and watching the cop leave.

"I thought I would too" Toby said, thinking to himself. That officer seemed awfully calm. Toby felt a slight pressure on the back of his neck and his hand went to touch it. The mark—The Proxy Symbol. It was the only thing that has ever inflicted pain to him.

Toby's breath hitched and a wave of dread creepy up Toby's spine, making the bile in his stomach creep up his throat. His eyes widened and he rushed to the bathroom. Y/N watched in shock as Toby booted away, feeling very uneasy all the sudden.

The leaned over to toilet before heaving. His eyes stung with involuntary tears as he vomited time after time. A few tears escaped his eyes as he gasped for a few breaths. He had puked up blood. Toby winced and spat the remnants of the metallic taste into the toilet. His body was shaking a little bit in shock at the sudden rush. Y/N stood in the door way, looking at Toby who seemed like he was about to faint. Toby flushed the toilet, closing his eyes as he regained his bearings.

"What just happened?" Y/N asked, her disgust being pushed away with concern. Toby took a deep breath before standung up shakly. He went over to the sink to brush the taste out of his mouth with some toothpaste and a toothbrush. He was not ready to have this conversation with Y/N, it was too soon, too much, but he couldn't lie, not to her.

"It's just something that happens every once in a while. It usually happens when my boss comes around after a while" Toby said flatly, sounding a little muffled from the tooth brush. That didn't ease any emotions that Y/N felt. Oh right... His "cult" thing.

"Are you okay?" She asked in a small voice, her head leaned against the doorframe. Toby's face softened at her question and he wrapped an arm around her, pulling her into a hug.

"I'm alright, I promise," Toby said softly, holding his toothbrush in his mouth to hold her with both arms. Y/N nodded burying her face in his neck. Toby rested his non-scarred cheek on top of her head, mostly because he didn't want the toothpaste to leak out of his mouth.

But then a thought came to mind—an utterly terrifying thought.

What would Slenderman think of this?  He burnt down a house that wasn't a part of the plan. He killed someone he wasn't supposed to. He had a relationship. He loved someone.

Toby bit his lip, squeezing Y/N a little tighter before letting her go and spitting out the toothpaste. He rinsed the tiny brush and put it back in the cup.

"How about we make dinner?" Toby said, giving her a smile. He didn't want to worry Y/N any more than she already was. To tell her that she was in danger now and that he was the primary cause of it would send her into a spiral.

"You wanna help?" Y/n asked, brushing Toby's bangs away from his forehead. He chuckled.

"I wouldn't have said we if I wanted you to make it alone" Toby said, "besides, I wouldn't force you to make me food" he slid an arm around her waist and walked to the kitchen.

While Toby did say he was going to help, he had no idea how to cook. It was a sad thought considering he was a grown man, but cooking was never really needed when he had microwaveable food and ramen. At least he knew how to boil water. For the most part, he would stand behind Y/n and hug her waist while she cooked, or he would taste test things Y/N asked him to. Toby couldn't feel hunger pains, but he loved eating, which is probably why he was moody half the time he was alone, he rarely got to eat good food!

Y/N made a teriyaki noodles with some vegetables and bits of steam mixed in. Toby thought that it could have been one of the most delicious-looking meals he's ever seen. They sat down with their plates and dug into it with a fork. It was just as good as it looked. Toby looked at Y/n and felt like he owed her a better explanation of why he does what he does—work wise.

"I work for a guy, a big tall guy. He's not really what people would call normal, in fact, he's not really human. It's more supernatural. I can feel when he's around me, it's a god-awful feeling. I do these missions for him, and I'm good at it. I'm good at my job, even though it's the dirty work. I have to do what he says, or else... I don't know. It's kind of a debt I have to him, he helps me, I help him, all while looking a bit of sanity." Toby said with a light chuckle, twirling his fork in the pile of noodles before taking a bite. Y/N nodded, stabbing into some of the food with a fork. Y/N still had a few questions, but they could be pushed off to a later date. Now that she was full, she realized just how uncomfortable she was in wet clothes.

"I think I'm gonna change" Y/N said, eating the last bit of noodles on her place and sticking her dishes in the sink.

"Alright, babe" Toby smirked with a mouthful of food. Y/N's head turned back, blush painting her cheeks and nose. Toby shrugged. "What? I thought it would be a nice change of pace" he said, going to get a second place of noodles.

"Sure, just- don't come in when I'm changing" Y/N said, shaking her head as he went to the bedroom.

"It depends, would I get another makeout sesh' if I came in?" He teased, even though he was only half joking since that's what happened when she walked in on him changing.

Y/N didn't even comment on it before shutting the door behind her, her face warm and flustered. How stupid could he be?

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