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Toby sat in the car, twiddling his thumbs as the silence lingered over them. Y/N was sitting criss-crossing in the car, waiting for him to explain how he got all this money. Toby exhaled deeply.

"So, uhm," Toby briefly glanced away, "I'm kind of a proxy for this god-like entity." Toby gave a half shrug, and she leaned back in his seat. Y/N gave him a look of utter confusion.

"So it's a cult," Y/N replied, shifting her seated position to have one leg crossed over the other. Toby shook his head quickly.

"It's not a cult-" Tobias said in return.

"Do you sacrifice people to this 'god-like entity'?" Y/n asked.

"No. I mean, yeah. Sometimes?" Toby said in a rush, feeling the mark on his neck.

"That's a cult." Y/N pointed to Toby with a stern expression. Her eyes flickered at the tattooed symbol on Toby's neck. "Is that your cult symbol?" Y/n asked, her accusations turning into more teasing questions.

"Yeah. How'd you know?" Toby asked, his rough hand falling into his lap.

"I just assumed," Y/N said, studying the mark. "So, does Mr. Bossman pay you to kill people?" Y/N asked, her tone becoming serious.

Toby nodded yes, looking away. He felt awfully vulnerable and pressured by her questions. He has never been confronted like this before. Sure, he gets a few weird looks in public, but it was nothing compared to Y/N's opinion. He felt like an animal in the zoo being stared at by a bunch of restless children.

Y/N sighed and stuck the key in the ignition, starting the car.

"Okay." Y/N thought through her options. She could drive to the police office and turn this madman in, or she could drive to her family and beg for help.

But she felt a sudden urge to stay.

She didn't know if it was the money, the man, or the sheer terrifying thrill of her situation. If she knew anything, it's that she didn't feel like having to tell everyone her fiance was chopped up into a bunch of tiny pieces and incinerated.

"Where are we going now?" Y/N asked, pulling out to the main road. Toby was zoned out in thought, and his eyes slowly went to meet Y/N's.

"Crazy," Toby answered.

"That's not what I meant. I asked, What place is in what store?" Y/N kept a firm grip on the steering wheel, but she couldn't help but crack a smile at Toby's stupid answer. Crazy?

"W-We can go wherever you want," Toby said, leaning back comfortably in his seat.

"Wherever I want?" Y/N gave him a suspicious look.

"Did I stutter?" Toby smirked, looking out his window.

"You did actually," Y/N bit her tongue in order not to smile.

"Just drive..." Toby mumbled as he shook his head, like he was shaking off the nonsense.

After a short drive, Y/N drove to the large, very-populated mall and parked in an empty spot. A lot of the parking lot was empty, so she got to park close. Toby tilted his head as he gazed at the giant building.

"This is where you wanted to go?" Toby questioned, not having a great feeling about being in such a wide, public place. Y/N smiled and unbuckled her seat belt.

"Of course, I haven't been here for years," Y/N said, closing the door as she got out of the car. "I'm surprised they haven't closed this place down..." She added.

Toby walked beside her as they approached the mall. An anxious feeling invaded his system as he approached what felt like doom. They walked past the empty planter boxes and to the glass front doors. Toby gave one of them a pull.

"It's locked," he stated flatly, looking at Y/N. Her face became saddened with disappointment, and she gave a weak shrug.

"That's alright, I'll drive us somewhere else," Y/N said, and she turned to leave. Toby couldn't help but feel a pinch of Y/N's disappointment. It upset him that the mall wasn't open when they just so happened to be there. A hand grabbed Y/N's wrist, holding her still with a firm but gentle grasp.

"Wait, right here," Toby said as he ran back towards the car. Y/N watched with a mix of surprise and confusion. She put her hands up to the glass and peered inside to try and see what was in the dark.

Toby's footsteps reappeared—fast. Before Y/N could get a word in, Toby used the point on the bottom of the hatchet's handle to slam into the glass, causing the panel to shatter in return. Y/N's face fell into shock.

"What the hell are you doing!?" Y/N shouted, glancing around to see if there were spectators, and there weren't.

"I'm going inside?" Toby raised an eyebrow, elbowing the glass of the door so it would crumble to the ground. Y/N's hands grasped around Toby's arm.

"You can't just break in!" Y/N's expression hardened, and she tried to pull Toby away from the mall in fear of getting caught.

"But it's easy!" Toby smirked, reaching his hand through the hole and unlocking it. The door clicked, and Toby took away his hand, pulling it open from the outside. "Look!"

"What if we get caught? What would we tell the police?" Y/N asked, glancing into the mall, then to Toby.

"I don't care if I get caught doing this. I'm probably going to get the electric chair either way." Toby fanned away the questions with his hand casually and walked through the door, holding it open for Y/N.

"Okay, but what about me?" Y/N gestured to herself. "I'm not a wanted criminal, and I'm not trying to go to jail."

"We'll tell the police that I forced you to," Toby said, leaning in close and placing his hand on the small of her back to judge her inside. With a short stumble, she went inside, being cautious of the broken glass.

Y/N huffed in frustration and looked around. The tall ceilings were dangling with old decorations, and the food court's tables were covered in a film of dust. Some of the chairs were neatly tucked into place, while others were knocked over on the floor. A loud silence was thick in the stale air.

"This place hasn't been busy in a while..." Y/N muttered, nostalgia pulling at her heart as she remembered all the times when she and Maddie would come here, but only when Maddie was still tolerable.

"ECHO!" Toby called out, cupping his hands on the sides of his mouth. His voice ricocheted off the walls and down the line of small shops. Y/N's face turned to Toby, giving him a 'are you serious right now?' type of look.

"What? Can't a guy have some fun? Maybe you should try it some  time." Toby smirked, hopping on top of a stone bench and walking across it like a tightrope.

Y/n sighed. She couldn't believe this grown ass man was being so childish in such a stressful situation. It felt like he went from being an awkward, anxious teenager to a criminal man-child.

"You're dumb. You're gonna get caught," Y/N said as she followed behind him, watching as he jumped off the stone edge, holding his hatchet tightly in his grasp.

"Nuh-uh," Toby mumbled, glancing around all the shops. "W-Which one do you want to go to?" He changed the subject. Y/N narrowed her eyes, and she was about to speak, but her own eyes landed on a shop near by. It was her favorite store in the mall, but the entrance was blocked by a metal gate.

An idea came to mind.

"I want to go in that one," Y/N said, pointing to the store. Toby's eyes followed the direction she pointed, and he nodded, going up to the metal gate. He crouched and turned his head, trying to find the lock. He gave the gate a harsh shake, and his gaze clicked over to the bottom corner.

"Ah, found it," he said, kneeling on the dusty floor and pulling his small pocketknife out of his jean pocket. He stuck the tip of the blade into the small lock and jiggled it around until he was able to turn it. It unlocked.

Y/N smiled and walked up to the entrance of it. Toby pushed away the gate. There was a distant murmur, and Toby's head snapped in its direction. A beam of light flashed in their direction, and his heart skipped a beat.

There was someone else here with them.

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