"𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝙜𝙞𝙧𝙡 𝘰𝘧 𝘮𝘺 𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮𝘴..."

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Toby looked between the sketchbook and his camera roll as he carefully drew the features into each face. Each of Y/N's eyes, the nose, her eye brows, and her soft lips all fit perfectly. Toby studied the pictures, thinking out loud.

"I do know her..." He muttered as his shoulders slumped. Something was tugging at the back of his mind, as if he knew exactly who he was, but at the same time, he didn't recognize her.

Toby slowly closed the sketchbook, taking his phone into his hand to stare at the image of Y/N's smile. The feelings that were welling up inside of him were difficult. He felt mostly confused, but he also had a tinge of homesickness.

"Why can't I remember you...?" He whispered to himself, zooming in on her face.




He huffed, tossing his phone onto his bed carelessly and rubbing his eyes. He slumped back in his chair, running a hand through his hair.

To be fair, he couldn't remember much from his past. Ever since the accident, memories have come in blips whenever they are triggered, but he tends to forget them again shortly after.

With a sigh, his eyes slowly drifted over the hatchets that were propped up in the corner of the room. He watched the light from the warm sunset reflect off of them.

Toby got up and grabbed the hatchet, walking outside. He went a little ways from a tree; the tree had some of the bark pulled off and multiple splits in the wood. He raised his arm before chucking the axe with full force.


The axe landed directly in the center of the tree. Toby smiled and went to retrieve the axe, pulling it from the trunk with little struggle.

A breeze blew over him, and the forest went silent. Every hair on the back of his neck stood on end. Toby's arm dropped to his side, and he glanced around anxiously.

"Who's there?!" He shouted, clenching his hatchet.

No response.

Toby sighed and slowly backed up towards his cabin. He knew exactly who was there. Even after all these years, he still felt the dread of being near it.

The door locked, and he crept back to his room, closing the blinds and all the curtains. Toby anxiously waited for any noise or movement.

The phone buzzed, causing Toby to nearly jump out of his skin. He leaned over to look at the screen before picking up the phone.

"Hey, this is Y/N. I was wondering if you wanted to meet so we could catch up. I can't believe you're still alive," the message read.

Toby stared at the message before tapping on it and replying.

"Yeah, we can meet up." Toby started, "Of course I'm alive."

What makes her think I died? Toby thought about sending the message. A few seconds later, three dots appeared on the screen. He watched intently as he waited for another message.

"We can meet at the park we always used to go to. How does tomorrow at noon sound?"

Toby read the message over twice. Always? He put his hand on his forehead. He must have forgotten a lot more than he thought.

"Sounds great"

Toby turned off his phone with a weird feeling in his stomach. It wasn't butterflies; it was more like moths—venomous moths. He felt sick, but also nervous. Why was he nervous? He barely knew the woman! Well, maybe he knew the woman before, but that didn't change the fact that he forgot her completely.

He looked over to the sketchbook, looking at the scratchy drawing of Y/N once again.

Maybe he knew her more than he thought.

Y/N sat on her bed, turning off her phone. She looked over to the closet and hurriedly went over to it. A gray hoodie was neatly folded on one of the shelves, and on top of it was a crumpled-looking corsage.

A wave of melancholy emotions washed over her as she pulled the hoodie from the shelf, leaving the corsage in the closet. She hasn't worn the hoodie since the incident, so it still looked nice but was also worn in.

She unfolded it and pulled it over her head. The comfort and nostalgia the hoodie brought were immense. After years of trying to forget about one person she actually liked in high school, he was still alive.

Y/N sighed, reminiscing about the past. She pulled her phone from her pocket and set an alarm to wake up early. If she was going to meet up with him, she would have to be quick. She didn't want to be bombarded with questions when she got home.

She was about to take the hoodie off when someone pushed her door open.

Toby was restless. He tossed and turned in her bed, unable to get comfortable. Toby groaned, punching his pillow and slamming his head back into it. He's still not tired.

Toby sat up, looking around his room. He jumped out of bed and ran to the kitchen. He pulled open the almost empty fridge and yanked the milk carton. He poured himself a glass of milk and chugged it quickly before running back to his bed.

Even that didn't make him tired.

Toby lay there for a few moments before checking the time. 3:38 a.m.

"Damn it," Toby muttered, staring at the alarm clock on his bedside table. Insomnia was really kicking his ass, and he hated to admit it.

Toby decided to just get up and get ready. He trudged to the bathroom and brushed his teeth enthusiastically. He spread some shaving cream along his jaw before carefully shaving away the pokey stubble. He made sure to be extra careful around his scar, but even with the extra bit of care, he still ended up with a few small cuts.

"Mother fucker," he mumbled, putting a few tiny bandages on the places he accidentally cut. He washed his face with some water before looking at himself in the mirror. He didn't look half bad.

Toby shrugged at his appearance and looked at his hair, which was getting a little long. He didn't trust himself to not mess up while cutting it himself, so he just tied half of it up with a hair tie.

Toby put on a few layers—a T-shirt, a thin jacket, then a bulkier jacket—all to make himself not look as scrawny. He put on his combat boots before looking at his hatchets. Surely he wouldn't need those... But, just in case, he put his hunting knife in his back pocket.

Toby felt his pockets to make sure he didn't forget anything—phone, knife, mouth guard. His eyes widened, and he looked around quickly for his mouth guard, only to find it on the counter.

Toby sighed, putting the mouth guard on to hide that heinous scar. His neck twitched, and he took a deep breath.

The reality of what was happening set in. He was about to meet the woman who was in his dreams. It's been a long time since he's had a normal interaction with someone other than his inner voices.

Toby stepped outside and started to walk through the forest. Just as he started to walk, he realized something.

"Where the hell am I going?"

𝐀𝐦𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐚 (Ticci Toby x FEM reader) Where stories live. Discover now