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People believe the lives they are leading are meaningless and thus wish to believe in something that gives their life meaning.

There's many things in the world that are seen as strange, unnatural. People judge that which they cannot control. There are things we are not prepared for, which we fear. We think they are mere stories, legends, theories, nothing real. No matter the witnesses, no matter the eyes that have seen things out of the ordinary, we still chose to not believe. Jokes, hoaxes, fake is what we call it.


I couldn't call myself a firm believer; i wouldn't say it's all real. There are things which we cannot explain. Even if we know, we run from it.


It's a strange world we live in, and i am curious to discover the unknown. I thirst for it. And i will try to find out the truth.

You are special.

That's why you were chosen.

There was intent in the choosing.

Slender has one goal and that is to become powerful. That is why HE needs you. Because You have potential.

Those who are chosen are of a type: intelligent, creative, psychic. Psychic really says it all though, intuitive... close to (acceptable) madness.

We all start out Chosen. In millennia past, before the ancient cults were put down by the Abrahamic religions and their magi slaughtered, those who were gifted were chosen by various gods to be their representatives. At that time Slenderman was just a demon, a servant of Marduk (one of the Seven Feared Demons) created specifically to aid him in the battle against Tiamat. He was not made to be kind or thoughtful; he was made to be a weapon

We are powerful in our own right, which is why we are chosen. He uses our talents to augment His own so that He can spread even to those who are not gifted.

With you, HE can spread because you were the priests of millennia past. You would have been chosen by true gods to serve them in this world.

While they sleep, HE has come creeping like a wolf into the fold, hungry and greedy, hoping to glut Himself before the gods wake and leash HIM again. If HE can gain enough followers to become a god in HIS own right, they will be forced to accept HIM. So HE takes by force what HE has no patience to woo.

You may have heard HE hunts children...

Let me begin by saying that i'm still very skeptical about His existence, but i can't seem to walk away from the possibility of this reality.

I know nothing about this world of ours, no matter the information i have stored in my mind. And no matter how much i learn, it will never be enough. And that's why i am still here, trying to find answers that i may never get.

There seems to be a certain type of mind that attracts the Slenderman. A specific lack of mental immune system, that lets him in your head.

The Slenderman is as much a mental entity as a physical. You don't see him unless you know.

Once you find that first little bit, once you know, you open a door for him, just a crack. The more you learn, the more the door opens. And there's another problem. Curiosity. The kinds that seem to find the Slenderman all possess it in one measure or another. Researchers, investigators. It just takes a little step. Once you find that first bit, you're drawn to the next.

Picture a forest. A dark forest, filled with trees with black leaves. You walk into the forest one day, only to find that you can't remember your way out. You could pick a direction out at random, but all you do is lead yourself deeper into the forest. In the forest lives a terrible monster. If you try to find your way out of the forest, you run the risk of running right into the monster. Or you could simply stay away from the monster and hope you find the outside edge.

It's paradoxical. You need to know more about him to survive. In fact, it's a drive to understand that will probably kill most of us in the end. The more you learn about him, the more you open that door up. Why do you think some people, who was once brave enough to try to shoot the Slender Man, has become what they are? Knowledge.

Why is it that the bright ones always burn out, or worse, turn proxy of their own volition. The brightest, those with the most knowledge, are snuffed out. It's all about the knowledge. It's why you don't get better. It's why there's no way out of the forest. And the storm is coming.

If you are here only for the curiosity. Turn back and forget about all this. Knowledge is a double edged sword. Know too much and you risk yourself being a target for him. Another one of the infected.

"We don't seek answers because we're scared of what we'll find."

𓆩♱𓆪A/N: all rights to this idea go to the original author. 𓆩♱𓆪




*mental illness


*disturbing pictures and facts

Note for myself

When and if you publish your research do not and i repeat do NOT link other researchers and investigators. Black profiles are a thing! Write at the beginning that you do not want to be disrespectful, nor put other researchers in danger! Profiles are getting deleted, researchers are disappearing. Continue your research, find the truth.


"𝔉𝔦𝔫𝔡𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔱𝔯𝔲𝔱𝔥" creepypasta research, Slenderman & paranormalWhere stories live. Discover now