🗡they are everywhere🗡

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*The theory

Slender Man is not a single entity, it's an entire race.

This explains why He is different in different ARGs and stories in the mythos. The SlenderMen that appear in these stories are also each a different member of the same "blood". 

Most likely, whenever someone discovers  Slenderman, a new member of the "Race" is created as their personal stalker out of their imagination - in other words, creating your own opinion on what He is only serves to create you a personal thought-form according to your views.

But it is also possible to pass your own to someone else, like, for example, in the case of Marble Hornets. The Operator was originally Alex's personal "hallucination", but due to the involvement of the MH crew they all became targets of The Operator. When multiple people meet Him, they see the same one (for example, they can all agree where Slenderman is and his general qualities), but he might appear slightly different to all of them. 

This cements Slenderman's true nature as an abstract monster that just takes the form of a tall, suited man due to the imaginations of the people who first summoned him.

They can be stalkers, horrors and even guardians. Depending on your belief the one observing you can be something foul and dark or the opposite. 

(There is a popular story about how children that go missing are turned into slender to continue their race. This remains unverified.)

This theory of course wipes off that he's a 4th dimensional being, meaning he can be in multiple places at once. 

They are not forgotten because each survives on a person's personal thought. If one forgets there wll always be another that survives on another's view. They will only cease to exist after all humanity forgets. When one believes one still exists.

*Tulpa Theory (again)

Of course the Tulpa theory of the Slenderman is probably the most well known in our community and i have talked many times about it, but here are some facts again: 

•A tulpa's purpose is to guide its creator through complicated decisions.

•Tulpas may be created intentionally or unintentionally.

•Those who dedicate themselves to studying tulpamancy often state they aren't typically tangible beings, only vivid figments of the imagination which appear to be sentient.

•A tulpa may be willed away by the act of forgetting or ignoring it.

•It's subjective to each person when determining whether tulpas and the tulpa effect are real.

• A tulpa in its most general term may be defined as real when considering they can be interacted with and seen by the human eye when thoroughly manifested.

•Conversely, a tulpa is limited to only be effectively seen by its creator. In this sense, it may be considered a form of self-induced hallucination. To the creator, their tulpa exists. To others, the tulpa is inaccessible and irrelevant to them, so it does not exist from their perspective.

•The "tulpa effect," on the other hand, follows the belief that a group of people as a collective can inadvertently create a tulpa.

Not everyone shares identical issues, so to create a tulpa through a group is illogical under most conditions—unless the collective consists of individuals associated with one another through a common goal and/or conflict they need to face as a whole, such as compromising or reconciling in the face of a disagreement.

ᓚᘏᗢ- In view of tulpamancy's core purpose and basic value, I think the "tulpa effect" is less likely. Tulpas are particularly made to help people with their personal troubles. Unless the collective is made up of people connected to each other by a shared goal and/or conflict they must resolve as a group—like making choices, it is illogical to create a tulpa within a group.

{ résumé }

This theory follows the traditional roots of tulpamancy in which one person can see their tulpa while others cannot. 

If you ask people in a group what they imagine Slenderman looks like, they could all describe him physically as having long limbs, pale skin, no face, and a dark suit and tie. But again, many believe He has tentacles, or sharp arms. Is he 7 feet tall or 10 feet? Is his tie red or black? Is His face completely blank or can you see faint shadows of his eye sockets?

Still, the responses would probably start to differ a lot more if everyone was asked for input  on his character traits. Some see Him as an abomination others see Him as a gardian. Some believe He has a voice while others as silent. Does He whisper, does He drive you mad, is He nightmarish or does He bring you comfort? 

There are so many different blogs and found footage series each depicting a different version, so many headcanons that fanon and canon have merged together. Due to this, multiple tulpas of Slenderman may exist.Nevertheless, no one's tulpa would exactly match another's due to their variations from one another. 

The deeper you fixated yourself to the fandom, you begin to consider how creepypasta characters would perform within our reality. Paranoia begins and you associate everything with them, that tree, that marking. You convinsed yourself He is always watching, until you manifested Him as your personal Tulpa into reality.

In terms of this theory, none of these entities technically exist. Instead, they're self-induced hallucinations produced from obsession and fear. 

As I said before "A tulpa's purpose is to guide its creator through complicated decisions." Like a gardian as we talked in the chapter "Gods". But would that be wise? If you have trouble with someone in your life and you want it to stop, would Slenderman sudgest to talk it out or "get rid of the problem" (if you know what i mean)? 

ᓚᘏᗢ- This is one chapter to explain parts of previous ones like "protector" in which i talked about different versions we prbably manifested, or the chapter "Gods" in which i mentioned Slenderman acting as a spirit guide to people. The theory that many forms were manifested but as individual "companions" is the one that makes more sense to me, but i leave it up to you! 

🗡more information: https://www.quora.com/What-are-tulpas-Can-they-have-their-own-body-or-not-and-if-they-can-how-would-that-work-exactly and https://www.quotev.com/story/10508147/Truth-With-Light/6


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