Theories regarding Slenderman's existence

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Theories regarding Slenderman's existence


Tulpa is a concept in Theosophy, mysticism, and the paranormal, of an object or being that is created through spiritual or mental powers. Modern practitioners use the term to refer to a type of willed imaginary friend which practitioners consider to be sentient and relatively independent. The Tulpa Effect is a theory on the creation and existence of Slender Man. Tulpas and Egregores are thought-forms, or beings created from the collective thoughts and beliefs of separate individuals (egregore), or by an individual alone (tulpa).


An Egregore, by definition, is known as an occult concept representing a "thought form" or "collective group mind", an autonomous psychic entity made up of, and influencing, the thoughts of a group of people. This allows all of the mental energy to come together when it comes to the belief of a certain something, and with enough brain or mental energy when thinking of a certain something, it can come to life and very much exist in our world with enough belief. In other and shorter words, a being that can be powered by belief.

There are three known categories of an Egregore:

-Alexandrian Egregores: This kind of Egregore is basically how abstract forces that exist as outcomes of how systems interact with each other. These are functions of systems and the way they emerge from the systems can be studied and examined. In short, these kinds of Egregores are the kinds that can be explained and backed up by science, and are able to be studied. These can be considered "natural" egregores. A good example of this kind of egregore would be evolution.

-Constantinian Egregores: These kinds of egregores in this category are usually described as attractors in the thought space. There are certain places where minds tend to be drawn and cluster, certain ideas that attract certain types of minds. Abstract concepts that tend to warp memetic reality around themselves. Examples of these kinds of egregores would be Cthuga and Azathoth. Take a mental note that these are H.P Lovecraft characters, and an H.P Lovecraft character is what inspired Slenderman in the first place according to the creator, and he can be within this category.

-Roman Egregores: This category of egregores are considered entities whose properties are externally imposed and which is maintained by the power of the memeplex within the broader culture. Instead of being an unlabeled entity that exists at an attractor in thought space, we have a structure in thought space artificially imposed by the culture. Examples would be Jesus Christ.

Now, Slenderman can also be considered in this category, because when you think about it, Slenderman is very well-known, and is considered to be a god and savior to many. Slenderman is also considered very well known even to this very day, and has had many references in greek/roman mythos.

Now, where does Slenderman come into this?

Great question. Slenderman is considered, or can be considered an egregore, because let's be honest, many people believe he exists, and many people have appeared to have their own experiences with him, which could support the theory that Slenderman could very much be an egregore. People have done things in his name that would be considered harmful. A victim's belief power can be so strong that it can cause harm to people. Slenderman could be a combination of a Constantinian and a Roman egregore, since egregores and the categories can overlap with each other. He could have characteristics that are mainly Contantinian, but produce second-order effects in the form of Roman egregores and the other way around.

In relation to Slender Man, the idea of intentional creation of Slender Man as a tulpa pra egregore came as early as August of 2009, as the idea was first thrown around in the Something Awful forums. The idea is still carried today by some Slender Man-based communities, specifically , although the various separate evolutions of the Slender Man creature have created varying beliefs, traits, descriptions, and actions, and no longer includes a single unified description of Slender Man from which a tulpa/egregore could be created.

Some have worries over the unintentional creation of a Slender Woman tulpa/egregore due to the popularity of the mythos in present day. Others believe that the Tulpa/Egregore Effect may have serious real-life repercussions with the creation of a real Slender Man.

It is proven to be true that the more a lot of people believe in something, the higher the likelihood it is real or will come true.

Slenderman-as-tulpa became effectively canon. This raises an interesting, perhaps worrying, possibility: Even if Slenderman started out purely as an invented creature, has it stayed that way? Has naming it as a tulpa, in effect, given it the power to be created as one?

2.Quantum Theory

Quantum theory is a central theory to the explanation of the apparent supernatural nature of the Slender Man, and is a competitor to the Core Theory and the Tulpa Effect. Quantum theory is based in around the idea that Slender Man is a physical substratum, not a thoughtform, whose existence and powers are in part reliant on physics and understood science. Slenderwalking can be attributed to both of these theories. This explanation seeks a physical explanation and not a pseudo-scientific explanation for Slender Man.

3.The Core Theory

The Core Theory is a theory regarding the Slender Man proposed by Robert of White Elephants. The theory focuses largely around the Tulpa Effect and was key in establishing the belief that the Slender Man could, in fact, be defeated, if not outright killed.

 †The theory goes that, through the Tulpa Effect, we thought the Slender Man into existence. While we cannot simply think him out of existence, we can shift our mental view of him so that he is not invincible.

The best way to do this, Robert proposed, was to use a story as a framing device. Different people would have different roles to fill. Once the roles were filled, the story would start writing itself.


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