What to expect when HE chooses to stalk you

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What to expect when HE chooses to stalk you

For everything these accounts had in common, there are about five things that are different. What's even weirder are the types of people who he chooses to come after. They were from different countries, with different economic backgrounds, different ethnicity, different ages, different personalities; almost nothing in common besides the Slenderman coming after them.

Nowadays the majority of the people are within a certain age range, about thirteen to twenty-nine, all of them from first world countries, kids and young adults who spend time on the internet and get a lot of exposure to this stuff, but even then the only commonality is the age and access to internet. All the other aspects, that being sex, ethnicity, background and personality, show no patterns.

And that's not good news when what we usually do when investigating/researching is finding a pattern. There's no written work about Slenderman outside of some questionable German literature that will get you nowhere, and there isn't a way to scientifically study the S. Man without getting shot in the head. And if the accounts are all different, the cause of death is all different, and the victims are all different, it makes it almost impossible to narrow down anything for sure. Here's a list of commonalities in victims:

1.Visions of Slenderman

Who is always dressed in a suit, always is tall with spindly or tentacle like arms, and always has no face. It's also important to note that the operator symbol and uneasiness around forests or trees is also consistency.

2.Nightmares and difficulty sleeping

Whether it is from PTSD, extreme anxiety and paranoia, or interference from Slenderman himself.

3.Extreme emotions

Feelings of anger, irritation, impatience, hopelessness, depression, fear, anxiety, and sadness are all enhanced beyond normal. Even if you're the kind of person who holds in emotions or is relatively calm, your feelings will be a great deal more intense and every little thing, no matter how insignificant, will feel a hundred times worse than it should. This might be another thing from stress, but it's relevant to positive emotions too, especially in proxies. When you feel happy, you feel really happy.

4.Susceptibility to illness and severe health conditions

This one seems to pertain more to the very far gone people. The closer you are to death the more physical symptoms of illness will affect you. Vomiting, coughing, trouble breathing, fevers, nosebleeds, hallucinations, fatigue, and in rare cases heart attacks and strokes will occur, even without the victim contracting any disease or having any previous health condition. Whether this is because of the conditions a lot of the stalked are exposed to or is an actual effect that comes from being near HIM, still isn't clear. The most common is trouble breathing.

5.Loss of memory and frequent blackouts

6.Death of immediate family, or very close friends

When I say immediate family or close friends, I am referring to people who are not afflicted or have no prior experience to the Slenderman. The reason they die is by association with the stalked, not because they have ever been exposed to Slenderman, and it is extremely common. If you are one of the stalked, chances are the people close to you are the ones in the most immediate danger. The people you spend the most time thinking about

7.Supernatural Phenomenon

Here's where shit starts to get teeth grindingly frustrating. Obviously if you got a monster stalking you and screwing around in your id, you're bound to go a little crazy. So sometimes you can't take everything you hear at face value. After you've lived to see a seven foot tall tentacle man in a suit, you find yourself becoming a great deal more open minded

8.A sudden passion for artistic pursuits

This is a big one, and it's especially bad for people who already had a passion for artistic pursuits. Kids have their creepy ass crayon doodles, teens have their spray paint operator symbols, spend some idle time with a pen and some hotel stationary and you'll find a very terrifying image you didn't really intend to draw in the first place. It applies to music too, as well as writing or prose. Proxies love their prose. Easy way to tell if your friend is a proxy, is he spouting things about the looming and prevalent night? Experimenting with some freestyle slam poetry? Using a bunch of metaphors?

9.The need to document

This one falls right in line with artistic pursuits and the idea that the Slenderman is all about spreading the word. All of you have some twitchy fingers right? You want to write stuff down, preferably where everyone can see it. You want to spread the word, to let people know what's going on. But when you do that, you risk exposing someone else to Slenderman. You risk creating another victim. You risk infecting them. Because when you get down to it, that's what it feels like doesn't it? That is what HE is. A fatal disease.

 ♱Deep in your brain there is an infection. I don't know how it gets there, but trust me it's there, and that is where he comes from.

This is a theory, but I think that all it takes is some concentration, just thinking and believing in a being to the point he haunts your every waking moment, and you're marked. And I don't think the goal is to kill us, I think it's to use us. To bully us through psychological torment into positions where we can accomplish some measly task. Kill the right person, demolish the right items, and deliver the correct information, and then it disposes of us. That's not to think we're not in control, I do believe a lot of this is the power of suggestion.

Our feelings and dispositions affect so much of your experience, which would explain why accounts never match up quite right. In some cases, I think this disease is enough to alter the reality around you, to change the laws of physics, if you believe such a thing is possible. But it gets him right in your head where he can manipulate you as you please. Your feelings and goals are your own, but they are being used against you. And whether it's a part of some master plan, or if it's just the normal of effect of a disease is still unclear. But it explains how proxies come to be and it explains why so many people believe with all their hearts that they are doomed. One last commonality I've recorded.

10.Violent tendencies and urges, as well as apathy to death and killing

How to recognize a Stalked

Here are some symptoms if you are being stalked by a tall, thin Eldritch abomination:


Everyone, regardless of whether they're a victim or not, will have a bit of this. But after a few days, if it starts getting worse instead of better, you should start worrying. Watch for changes in personality brought on by stress, a constant scanning of the surroundings, complete apathy, or sudden aggressive tendencies.


Chronic exposure to the Slenderman has been known to not only exacerbate pre-existing medical conditions, but also create new ones. The most common physical symptoms include:



-Joint pain



-Stomach ulcers and bleeding


Happens when Slender touches you. The memory loss can go from hours, days, weeks and even months or years.

NOTE:...I'm not sure myself if I ever did experience these things but my heart suddenly hurting again did make me panic a bit. I did develop some kind of insomnia, my memory has become sketchier but I can still remember what I'm doing. I just...lose a few seconds or minutes but NEVER hours. One thing I did notice is my need to write stuff. I do enjoy writing, but not documenting my feelings, experiences etc. But ever since i started my research, I've been like a girl possessed. Always writing stuff, wherever i can. Less emotions, more pain tolerance, more violent outbursts, pushed most of my friends and family away. Hallucinations started being an everyday thing, and there has been a change in my apetite. There are other symptoms like dizziness, headaches, ringing in the ears, coughing fits, sudden joint pains, but they do not occure that often. The weirdest thing i am experiencing, is that i feel safe, when i pass by the park/forest...

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