Hiding in plain sight/Theory on HIS Invisibility

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Hiding in plain sight

A faceless Eldritch abomination that is 7ft tall and above, wearing a business suit even in the middle of summer, paper white and with various extra appendages on him must be a scary sight right?

So this brings up an important question. Why haven't we noticed it until now?

Well, consider for a moment any given modern series which predominantly features Vampires. How did Vampires survive into the modern age in these series? By hiding in plain sight. By producing movies and tv shows about themselves, full of inconsistencies about just how vampires actually work and how they can be killed. Propaganda... Confuse the public, protect the species. Meanwhile, higher ranking vampires ascend to high positions of power (Governors, Police Chiefs, Lawyers) within human society and use their position to cover up their brethren's suspicious activity.

Now consider the Slenderman. HE hides in plain sight, often invisible to people passing right in front of him. Victim reports are full of inconsistencies, sometimes something works against him, other times it doesn't. And now consider Proxies. Loyal human minions easily capable of working invisibly within human society to cover up their master's dirty work. The religious cults that once ritualistically fed him are merely the tip of the iceberg. Isn't it funny how well organized Proxies are? That's because they've been doing it longer, as in, since the dawn of recorded history.

But that isn't to say it has gone completely undetected for centuries. Obviously he had to gain his Proxies somehow. So there's your starting point. People were encountering it and surviving. Fact confirmed. So just as we have Proxies today, we must have also had Runners and Fighters. Turning to Vampire lore again, there is pretty much always a Van Helsing. A Hunter. But either to keep from being locked away as a crazy person or simply to keep their friends and family from becoming involved, these individuals kept their knowledge of and their fight against the Slenderman a secret. It's entirely possible, that like now, there have even existed communities of Runners that fought collectively against HIM. The only difference between then and now is that THEY didn't have the internet... and WE do. Communication and distribution of information is much easier in the digital age, as is finding like-minded people willing to believe you.

So it's another theory that not only has the Slenderman existed and been active for some time, but that there are those who have been fighting it for just about as long. The knowledge and history of these facts has simply been carefully buried, either to protect or cover up that knowledge.

NOTE: Government conspiracies! Not to mention, since out technology is continually progressing, we sometimes think that it may be a work of CG or maybe photoshopped. Also cases of it being an ARG.

 ♰"Everything is possible until they are proved IMPOSSIBLE and even the Impossible may only be so, as of now"

Theory on HIS Invisibility

Saccadic Masking

There are various theories on how Slender can be seen by others.

One of the first ways in which people notice SM is in pictures. This is due to Saccadic masking , the camera picking up what is too fast for the mind to register. It explains the way you are selectively blind for a few seconds every time your eyes move or something else moves too fast for your brain to make heads or tails of it. If not for saccadic masking, the vertigo would probably knock us on our butts every time we focused our eyes on something new.

Cameras, because they are snapping an image of the most infinitesimal slice of time, have a better chance of picking up what the eye and brain misses.

SM is like a ghost in this respect. Some people say that the reason His movements on video camera are so odd is because HE is jumping through dimensions or time traveling. These are both valid theories, but it is also quite possible that HE is moving in some way that is not only so fast that it triggers saccadic masking, but that it is sometimes even too fast for the camera.

At first HE appears very still, which may be as much to acclimate us to HIS presence as to camouflage HIM from casual observation. The more we see SM, the more our minds begin to adjust to HIS movements, picking HIM out and exempting HIM from saccadic masking. The adjustment can hardly be smooth, which may explain some of the physical discomfort (nausea, vomiting) involved. It may even be that once HE realizes HE's been noticed, HE makes an effort to slow down to capture more of our attention.

Perception Filters

Perception filters should not be confused with invisibility or the actual removal of information. It is a telepathic effect which misdirected the senses around itself or the person using it.

It has the effect of directing attention away from the object or its bearer, rendering them undetectable. Particularly intelligent people were immune to the effects of perception filters. Some are also immune because they truly wanted to see what the filter was diverting.

—Once the person become aware of a perception filter and the object it was disguising, they could no longer be affected.


Filters that are placed over a single individual and deals with the mind of the afflicted person. They set up barriers created by an external, or sometimes internal, entity to block or alter something. An example like not being able to see anything on a specific subject, to very specific changes or locating a door in front of you.

However, there is likely little variation from instance to instance, each encounter with what was being filtered should be the same as the past encounter, unless the filter has been cracked or destroyed.


These are more complicated in that they likely stem from the thing being filtered***. A great example is how nobody perceives Slender quite the same (if at all).*** While he has appeared in "plain view" of several now hunted people before, most instance show him not being perceived by them at all, or may see him as a regular person.

This shows how the filter changes a bit from person to person and sometimes from encounters of some people. A theory is that the filter doesn't take place in the affected's heads, but rather comes from Slender himself.

This also explains why the effect when viewing it back on a video tape, without the source there to exert the actual filter, people can perceive what was actually there.

NOTE: Our minds can only process information on the bases of Laws. That's how we perceive the world. However, our mind will still try and comprehend things that doesn't correspond with our laws of existence.

Take Slender for example, HE doesn't work in a way that we can comprehend. It doesn't mean that HE is above us, a higher being or a God. He is just different. The most different kind of different.


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