Part 4: The Album

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I could barely sleep the last few last nights, for reasons that I don't quite know. I decided I had lost my battle with sleep today around 5 am, which is when I got up and headed to the gym. Doing a lengthy workout this morning made it easier to be awake. After getting home around 7am I ate a protein filled breakfast and hopped in the shower where the hot water soothed my muscles. Since then I have been writing lyrics, my mind constantly wondering back to the studio last night. Would we have kissed if Finneas didn't walk in? I had only known her for a day. I decide to call Mia as she's always great with advice.

Mia picks up after a few rings "Hey girl what's up".

I begin to explain the situation to her, words just vomiting out my mouth. Unsure of why I feel this nervous.

"Awww Y/N is in love, but how close were we talking did you almost kiss" she teases

"I don't know Mia, I only met her at the after party that was a week ago and the studio was the day after, I am not in love" I say

"Have you spoken to her since" she queried

"We've text almost everyday about the song and just our lives but mainly music"

"Maybe just see where it goes Y/N, stop stressing and go with the flow, I kissed River in a nightclub the day we met and look at us now" she reassures.

"Thank you Mia, please don't tell the boys yet, love you!" She replies with her love and I end the phone. Looking at all of my notifications deciding to reply to my texts.

Blue moon💙🌑

It's been a week since we
recorded end of beginning,
is everyone free to meet today?
9:27 am

I'm free, you can both come here
at around 2pm I can order pizza?
9:30 am

Don't have to tell me twice.
@Y/N I hear you on the
Phone to my girlfriend
9:31 am

God I will be there, think I've
written something you'll like.
9:33 am

Swiping off that chat I click onto Billies

One of my friends is throwing
a huge party tonight, it world
mean the if you came 🥰
9:20 am

I'm in the studio today, is it ok
if I bring the band?

Of course! it starts at 9 wear
something nice address is:

9:40 am

After finishing up the song I was writing, I check my phone to see it was 1:30pm, time flies when you're having fun I guess... I load my guitar and notebooks into the car before driving to Graysons house for our studio session.

Arriving at the door, Emma greets me with a hug letting me know the boys are being already being idiots. As I enter the studio I see she is right, they are filming a tik tok however their dancing skills are not great. I let out a fake cough and they both jump which makes me laugh and causes River to hit me with his drum stick.

"Before we get started, I have a confession. Billie and I have been talking since the party, she invited me to her studio and I played some guitar for her and Finneas. She's invited us to a party tonight at 9 if you're down" I tell them hesitantly

"So you were flirting and now you're in love" Grayson chimes in

"Hell yeah I'm down for a big party" River exclaims

"We're just friends Grayson and she said dress nice so I assume it's a rich persons party, both girls are invited of course I've already text them their invites" I say as get my guitar out of its case.

"You said you had song lyrics lined up for us earlier?" Grayson steers the conversation.

"Yeah I've been writing it this past week" I grab my guitar and begin to play it for them while describing my vision.

About you
About you
Did you think I had forgotten
About you?

As I finish the song Grayson and River look at each other and then to me with grins plastered across their faces.

"I love it Y/N let's record it before we go today" River says

"On one condition Y/N" Grayson adds while looking at me deeply " You have to sing on at least the bridge, your voice is made for it"

Sighing I agree with Grayson "fine but only because I really like this song".

We sit and mix the track adding strings and guitar while River plays about with a beat on the drums. Hearing Grayson bring my song to life makes me happy. This one means a lot and deep down I know why but I'm not going to share it with these two... yet. After Grayson finishes with the vocals I begin to get nervous realising it's my turn to take to the booth.

Noticing my shift Grayson puts his hand on shoulder "it's ok Y/N you're gonna kill it".

Taking a deep breath in I softly sing into the microphone;

And there was something about you that now
I can't remember
It's the same damn thing that made my heart surrender
And I'll miss you on a train, I'll miss you in the mornin'
I never know what to think about
I think about you (Don't let go)
About you (Don't let go)

Finishing my part I added some adlibs over Graysons vocals. Seeing how the time has passed Grayson and River leave to go pick up some pizza while I stay to finish mastering my song. Taking out my phone I record a clip of the chorus and bridge and send it to Billie

Voice note: 48 seconds long
Here's a preview of what
we're working on

Omg Y/N that's insane
Is that you singing????
You sound amazing
Cannot wait to see you tonight 😭

The boys return with 2 large pizzas and we listen to the final track as we stuff our faces before the party. Tonight is going to be good I can feel it.

Once in a Blue Moon; Billie ElilishWhere stories live. Discover now