Part 22: The Space

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I wake up, my head is pounding probably a mix of alcohol and getting punched.
I sit up and drag my body to the bathroom and jump in the shower to wake myself up.
Going back into my room, I grab my phone. It's only 8 am?
I see a reminder on my phone, we sort out tour today and begin rehearsals, it's also only 3weeks until my birthday and a week until the album comes out!
I've got 2 hours to get up and out. I throw sweats on we will be doing a lot of work today and I want to be comfortable. Heading down the kitchen my phone dings

Goodmorning baby
I hope you're ok
I'm sorry
8:34 am

I decide not to answer it, giving myself the space I need. And get on with making breakfast. I decide to make pancakes, treating myself for the shit show that was last night. While I cook I Group FaceTime the couples to fill them in.
Propping my phone up against the wall I see 4 heads appear on my screen.

"Goodmorning everyone" I say cheerfully

"I swear to god you are the only person I know that could wake up after getting in a fight and be happy" Mia says making me laugh

"I'm not exactly happy but I'm going into today with a positive attitude. It's called ignoring your problems" I say

"And what problems exactly happened after we left Y/N" Grayson says

"Billie drove me home we had an argument and I've asked for space so we're not talking" I say frowning at the thought

"And how are you feeling about it" Emma adds

"Not great to be honest, it sucks not taking to the girl I love but she disrespected me and I couldn't be in a relationship where I was dwelling on it" I reply "We've not broken up and I still want her"

"If you wanna call today off we'd understand" River says.

"I appreciate the empathy but I need something to distract me"

After making my food, I hang up the call and eat breakfast. I don't know how long I'm going to have space for but I need to focus on tour. Giving our fans something back for all their support is a priority.

I drive over to management and walk into the meeting where Sarah, Grayson, River and a few people I've never seen before are.

"Hope I'm not late" I say sitting next to Grayson

"You're right on time" Sarah starts "These new faces are your tour team, we have Mark your manager, Tori your stage choreographer and Rob your head of tech."

We exchange introductions before Mark starts "so as you know the tour dates are announced and we have 4 in the UK, 1 in Scotland, 1 in Ireland then 10 in Europe and then next year is the North America leg. Tour starts in 3 months so we are going to rush this. The setlist is going to be 14 songs long with every album song and 2 of your choice from your EP, giving time for talking and such we're aiming to open doors around 7pm and start at 9 finish by 11"

After he finishes explaining and Sarah gives us more information we go into a dance studio where they've set up an outline of a stage and brought in our instruments. With everything going on I haven't actually played guitar in a while I'm excited to practice.

We begin by mapping out our setlist, we decide;
1.Only you
2.Its not living (if it's not with you)
3.Call it what you want
4.The sound
5.Beautiful things
Talking portion
7.About you
8.Sunshine baby
Talking portion
9.Not strong enough
12.Sweet Creature
13.End of beginning
14.More than Words

After establishing this we got to setting out our performance working with tori and rob. Placing River at the centre of the back, me on his left and Grayson on his right we run through a few songs. Tori directs our movements and we tell Rob what we want the audience to hear and see.

It feels like time have flown because when we finish it's almost 1 am, I decide to call my family.

"Hi mum, hi dad sorry I've not called it's been hectic"I start

"Hi darling its ok we've been busy with work and your sister" my mum says

I brief them on my birthday, the tour dates and when we'll be in the UK, thankfully our London shows allow us to visit our families. My mum asks about River and Grayson as if they're her own children. All the families were close growing up and I think Rivers wedding will be the first time we're all together again.

"How's things with Billie, how was meeting her  parents" she asks

"Meeting her parents was great, they're lovely people and we had a nice lunch. Things with Billie aren't great" I explain the situation to her as a I hear a range of mhms and sometimes gasps back. "I asked for space but it's been a day and I miss her"

"Honey if you really love her, then you need this space to figure it out what she did was shit" my dad replies

I laugh "you never swear"

"Well your girlfriends been an idiot" he says

"Your sisters got to get to school so we're going to go but We love you can't wait to see you" they say ending the call.

Laying in my bed all I can think about is Billie. More specifically Billie with Odessa, someone else's lips on hers. Any feeling of upset has been subsided with anger. Choosing that girl over me made me feel like an option to her, when she's always my main priority. I almost got charged with assault for that girl.

Opening instagram I decide to stalk her opening her story I see she's posted a photo with her mum. I'm glad she's ok but it hurts knowing that she looks ok without me. To make her jealous I post a photo to my story from after practice, where my forearms look good from playing guitar and my hair is slightly laced in sweat and I add her song billies bossa nova. Pressing upload I refresh my page and she that she views it almost instantly.

Billies pov
All day I've been moping around my parent's house, I don't feel like doing anything right now.
Zoe came over but even hanging out with her just made me miss Y/N.
I see a notification pop up on my phone:
Y/N Y/L/N added to their story
Fuck she looks good, it makes my heart race. I go to text her and tell her she looks good but instead I remember the space and roll over to sleep.

A/N everyone's gonna have to give me 3-5 business days to recover from Billie and Lana's cochella. 🤍

Once in a Blue Moon; Billie ElilishHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin