Part 18: The Trust

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After our celebratory dinner I get home and FaceTime my girlfriend

"Hey babe" I greet her

"Hey baby how does it feel that the albums finished" she smiles

"It's honestly amazing, I cannot wait to go to bed tonight and I'm excited to meet your parents tomorrow" I say

"Before I forget to tell you me and some friends are going to the club tonight if you want to come" she asks

"No it's ok babe I'm exhausted, you have fun" I say truthfully

"Ok Y/N, I'll be leaving to go out about 9 so will you stay on the phone to me while I get ready" she says

We talk about random things, our days and tomorrow's plans. I mostly just admire her getting ready, while she puts makeup on. As she's chatting away about Shark eating something off the counter she begins changing. My mind can't focus on the story when she looks that good.

"Did you hear what I said babe?" She asks

" yeah mhm" I lie unconvincingly

"Remind me to never tell you a story while my tits are out" she says "you're lucky I already love you"

"And now you can't get rid of me" I tease sticking my tongue out

"I could think of other uses for that" she makes an innuendo causing my cheeks to redden

"Right that's it, I'm going to the gym, bye Bills love you be safe tonight text me" I say

" bye baby love you too I will" she hangs up the phone.

Doing my usual routine, I change and jog to the gym. I decide to do some cardio today, jumping on an exercise bike, I put my headphones on and blast some music. One of Billies songs; Happier than ever. She truly is so talented and she's MY girlfriend. This song makes me think about her past relationships and how she definitely wasn't treated right. I cycle for about 3 miles and then hop off checking my phone.

Going out now babe x
9:04 pm

Ok have fun x
9:10 pm

I put my phone away again and go over to the free weight section, feeling like an arm day today. Grabbing two dumbbells I begin curling them.
After another hour I finish my workout, satisfied with my effort. I check my phone again, texts from everyone but Billie. I decide to walk home and answer my band members, family and friends.

Getting in, I shower and decide to play some guitar. I haven't played for fun in a while because of the album writing. I stand and shred along to some songs, before deciding to learn a few new riffs. Time flies by and I see I've been playing for over an hour. It's now 11pm, which means I am ready for bed. I throw on my normal black tshirt and pj bottom attire when I hear my phone ring it's Billie.

I answer "Hey Bils you ok"

"I need you to come pick me up, I'm so sorry" I can barely hear what she's saying between her crying and the music blasting

"Woah don't cry baby what's happened" I say

"Please just pick me up, I'm at Avalon" she says

"Ok I'll be there in 20" I say hanging up, what the fuck is going on.

Grabbing my keys and throwing on a coat I get in my car and drive definitely way to fast. When I arrive I text Billie who runs past paparazzi using her cap to cover her face.

When she gets in, the flashing lights fade out. I immediately speed away.

"What happened Billie" I say looking over at her.

She's got tears in her eyes "can you just drive to mine"

I nod and we sit in silence. 30 minutes later we arrive at her house. We exit the car and go inside. I remove my coat placing it on the side and greet Shark, who's bouncing all over the entry way.

"Are you going to tell me what happened now" I say blankly staring at her

"You have to promise not to be mad" she says

"Just tell me Billie"

"When we were at the club, I was dancing with Quen and when she went to the bar, Odessa kissed me. But I swear I didn't kiss her back I pushed her off" she begins to cry again

I stand in shock not sure what to think "you swear on your life you didn't kiss her?" I ask

"Yes baby I would never do that to you" she pleads

"I wouldn't be in this relationship if I didn't trust you but I don't want you to hang out with Odessa" I say

She hugs me "I'm so sorry, I will. I love you so much"

"It's ok" is all I can say wrapping my arms around her.

We break apart when we hear a knock at the door. I open it to reveal none other than Odessa. Her eyes look puffy from crying. Shark begins to go crazy barking at her so I hold him back.

"Is Billie here" she stutters out

I stare at her for a moment looking her up and down "babe it's for you" I shout

Billie appears round the corner and I see shock consume her face "Odessa what are you doing here" she sounds angry?

I move behind Billie wrapping my arm around her waist.

"I really need to talk to you" Odessa pleads looking between billie and I.

Billie looks back at me "I- do you mind?" She says carefully

"What do you think" I'm so over this situation with Odessa all I want to do is go to bed.

"If you can make it quick" Billie says

Is she serious? I let out a small laugh in disbelief. I go to walk upstairs but Billie grabs my arm softly "I'm sorry" she looks pleadingly into my eyes

"Yeah I bet" I say pulling my arm away. I'm not even bothered with listening what Odessa has to say and I'm too tired to drive home. So I decide to fall asleep in the guest room. I'm not upset over it, I know Billie didn't cheat. But she just chose Odessa over me in that moment. I'm angry. After about 20 mins of staring at the ceiling, I turn over facing away from the door to go to sleep. I hear the front door close and Billie walk up the stairs. She walks to her room before opening the guest bedroom and sighing. She shuts the door before returning to her own room.

Once in a Blue Moon; Billie ElilishWhere stories live. Discover now