Part 15: The Skip To May

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The last few months have been some of the best months of my life so far;

Billie won an Oscar and gave the performance of her lifetime which I will eternally be proud of her for. Her and I have been on wonderful dates, made many precious memories. We haven't announced our relationship yet, it's been 4 months. Of course we've been caught out by paparazzi but they think we're friends.

As promised I've been spending more time with her brother and his girlfriend, we often hang out at billies house or spend time in a studio. I have a lot to learn from Finneas and I'm so glad he's teaching me new things. He's become like family to me.

Graysons birthday was sick. He hired out a club and invited every single person he knew. Me and Billie definitely got wayyyy too drunk.

River and Mia have already begun planning their wedding for next summer. Their proposal photos and announcement broke the internet especially with the new wave of fans we've gained form being posted with Billie. After the proposal Me and Mia went and picked up a little rag doll kitten which she named "Daisy" she's the most adorable cat I've ever seen.

Over a week in Easter, Billie spent time with her family, so me and the boys decided to go back to London for a few days to see our families, which was definitely needed. My little sister is getting so big.

The album is coming along nicely, we've written two more songs: It's not living (if it's not with you) (originally 1975) and Sunshine baby (originally the Japanese house). That brings our album to 10 complete songs.

We've done copious amounts of press and photo shoots. Teasing our album release, we're going to set a date in stone when we finish the final 2 songs. We finalised the album cover from the photo shoot we did before the proposal. We released only you as our lead single and filmed a party like music video to go along with it.

Our album is offically called Relationship Diaries. Each song on the album encompasses our stories and relationships so the name seemed fitting.

Due to the popularity we also planned out a European tour starting in August so we can get back in England for a while in summer, something I haven't discussed with Billie yet.

We plan on releasing our album in a month. So,
today we're in the studio to finalise our last two songs. We need to get these done. I want to be able to get home for a while soon. It's also my birthday soon. We've spent hours in the studio already and we don't have anything. We've been so hyped on the proposal, our relationships and press that we've not had time to write

I put my electric guitar down and grab my acoustic and begin playing random riffs. I start playing blackbird by the Beatles when I decide to mash up the chord progression and picking patterns. When I've worked it out in my head I play it and then begin to hum along.

Grayson hears this and says "wait y/n I like that" He begins to sing along "we're still young, don't know where we're going but I know where be belong". After finally making a breakthrough we sit and hum along filling in lyrics until we're finally satisfied with the song and being mastering it.

"I want the next song to be more gritty and vocally challenging" Grayson says "Something people can scream to"

"Totally agree" River says

We stay into the studio for another hour before returning to our girlfriends and fiancé's. Entering Billies house I kiss her and greet shark.

"We've almost finished the album, one more song left" I say

"Congrats Saviour ready for dinner?" She asks

"What a stupid question love of course I am" I reply. My little housewifey brings out the pasta she prepared and we begin to eat.

"Bils this is delicious, normally you just burn toast" I joke

"Claudia might have helped" she admits

"I'll have to text her and thank her" I wolf down my meal and offer to wash up. Billie disappears into her studio working on stuff while I play with shark. He's my best bud now, I'm trying to convince him to like me more than Billie but I don't think that's ever going to work.

When the day nears midnight, Billie reappears from the sofa waking me up and telling me to come to bed. After putting some plaid pj bottoms and a black t shirt on I get into bed, laying on billies chest listening to her heartbeat.

A/N- I know this chapter is shit but it's just a filler. The plot is getting better I promise. 🤍

Once in a Blue Moon; Billie ElilishWhere stories live. Discover now