Part 8: The Guilty

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Hearing my door bell I'm jolted awake. Me and Billie have become intertwined during the night making me smile. That was truly some of the best sleep I've ever had. Looking at the clock it's almost 10 am. I untangle myself from Billie and go downstairs grabbing my phone. Opening the door I see Grayson stood with his arms folded.

"What's up Gray" I mumble standing aside to let him in.

"Do you want to explain as to why I've been getting calls about a guy wanting to press assault charges against you" he says sternly walking to the kitchen

"Well I got to hand it to that dickhead he has kept his word, I was defending Billie there's no way he's actually doing this" I say. Grabbing a glass and filling it with water, I join Grayson sitting at the table and pull out my phone. My eyes widen as I have 20 missed calls from lawyers and management ect.

"This isn't a joke Y/N" Grayson replies a little too loud.

"Grayson I know it was dumb to do but he was hurting her" I try explain

"I know Y/N but I looked into this guy and he's rich that means he can afford a good lawyer. You can't just throw your whole career away over a girl".

As he said that Billie appeared in the stairway rubbing her eyes. "Grayson?" She looks confused. "What's going on"

Grayson face drops when he realises Billie is here. "That asshole from the club is trying to get assault charges on Y/N" he explains

"No fucking way" she says in disbelief sitting with us at the table. "You're having my lawyer I don't care, that dick tried to touch me you were just defending me. God I told you, you're such an idiot" she says getting increasingly more angry. Pulling out her phone she storms into my office.

Grayson looks back at me "she's not wrong you are an idiot, sorry I didn't know she was here. Actually what is going on here"

"We may have gone on a date yesterday and it went really well" I smile at the memory

"So this is who all your lyrics are about" he teases

With that Billie came storming back in, "I've briefed my lawyer if he is serious she's got your back"

Looking back at my phone I see a hundred more notifications on my phone what could've possibly happened now. Opening it I see that the press has found out about the possible charges. I bet this bitch released it. "The media know" I say

Billie and Grayson look at each other then look at me in silence. I see our manager, Sarah calling. I've always liked her, she's been like our best friend and mother away from home. Although answering I don't expect her to be kind.

"Goodmorning Y/N, I hope Grayson has told you the news now, have you seen the articles"

"Morning to my favourite manager, Grayson has honestly Sarah I don't think he has grounds for this he was being creepy towards Billie. I did what I had to do but Billie offered me her lawyer. "

"I honestly don't know how you stay so cheerful, I don't doubt that you were in the right y/n. Tell Billie I'm grateful for her and her lawyer. If you need any legal help I can get our team involved. But for now we need to discuss how this affects your publicity. Supposedly fighting in a nightclub isn't great for your image." Sarah explains "can you swing by the office today"

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