#11: Dont be angry my girl

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In fame's embrace, he's cought by many,
Yet his heart belongs to just one, not any.
For her, he'd climb mountains, cross the sea,
In her eyes, he finds his true destiny.


Aarohi's pov

While he was leaving, after walking to my home, I just turned there, looking at him as he went away from me. And it's because of me.

I don't know why I can't accept his love. Maybe I am not 100% sure about my feelings towards him. Maybe it's because of the dream I had.

when I came to my room, I changed and tried to sleep. But I couldn't. I just kept thinking about him the whole day, the way he protects me in the car, in the market, from the crowd. The way he accepts everything with a smile, I say to him. I keep thinking about him.

And when he confesses his feelings to me, the look in his eyes, they are so pure, so truthful, that it seems like he is saying everything from his heart. I can't deny that I was fluttered by his confession. But I just can't accept his feelings. Oh God, help me. Let me sleep. Just keep his thoughts away from my mind.

Author's pov

The next day, Rudra was sleeping when myra amd Teju, both knocked at the door.
Rudra opened it and asked why they were up so early.

"You are still sleeping, we are getting late for class. " teju said.

Myra urged Rudra to hurry up and get ready. As Rudra prepared for class, Myra and Teju waited in his room.

Myra picked up Rudra's phone and started playing with it. Accidentally, she opened his phone gallery and saw a picture of Rudra with Aarohi taken the previous day.

Myra became angry, not only because Rudra had gone out with Aarohi, but also because he had lied to her about not feeling well.

When Rudra returned, Maira remained silent, and all three of them left for class.

When they arrived at class, Rudy noticed that Aarohi hadn't shown up yet. He kept glancing at the door, hoping to see her. Myra was already in a bad mood. Teju asked both of them, "what happened to both of u myra replied with a simple "nothing," and Rudra echoed her sentiment.

After a few minutes, Aarohi entered the class with Priya, bringing a smile to Rudra's face.
Aarohi glanced at Rudra and smiled back before taking her seat next to Priya.

After class, Rudra told Myra and Teju to go ahead to the canteen, saying he would join them in 10 minutes.
Myra and Teju left, and Rudra approached Aarohi's seat, greeted Priya, then Aarohi. Aarohi and Priya responded with a "hi."

Rudra invited them to join him and his friends in the canteen. While Aarohi remained silent, Priya accepted the invitation.

Rudra, Priya, and Aarohi headed to the canteen, where Maira's displeasure was evident, while Teju seemed surprised and somewhat pleased.

When they all settled at their seats, they grabbed their lunches from the cafeteria.
Myra asked Rudra why Aarohi and Priya were there. Rudra explained that he invited them to join so they could all get to know each other and hopefully become friends. Myra smirked while Aarohi remained silent.

As usual, peas and carrots were on the plates. Myra was about to swap her carrots. with Rudra's peas, but Rudra remembered Aarohi's words from yesterday about eating everything, including peas, and decided to eat them. Myra was shocked to see Rudra eating peas, knowing he disliked them. Aarohi noticed Rudra eating peas and felt pleased that he followed her advice.

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