#17: my aaruh

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Author's pov

The next day, Aarohi and Priya were talking in the library.
Priya asked, "Is everything okay between you and Rudy?"
Aarohi replied, "Yeah, it's fine."

Priya questioned, "Then  Why were you ignoring him since that night?"
Aarohi began explaining whatever Myra and Sanjana had told her.

As they were talking, Rudy arrived, overhearing everything. When Priya signaled aarohi that Rudy had heard, aarohi just turned towards him and said, "rudra, it's nothing like that."

However, Rudy was already so angry. He said nothing and left the library, heading to Myra. Aarohi followed him, repeatedly urging him to stop.

But Rudy wasn't listening to Aarohi. He went to Myra's room, aggressively knocking on the door. Myra opened it, concerned, asking what happened, rudye looked so frustrated.
Rudy replied, "Why did you do that, huh? Why did you create misunderstandings between me and Aarohi?" Myra was bewildered, insisting she didn't say anything. As this unfolded, Aarohi arrived, pleading with Rudra not to say anything to Myra.
However, Myra accused Aarohi of brainwashing Rudy against her.

Rudy defended Aarohi, stating she hadn't spoken a word about Myra. Myra retorted, claiming Aarohi came between them .

Rudy shouted on Myra  to not to mention Aarohi's name again . He continued shouting at Myra until Aarohi intervened, pulling him away. Myra also yelled, blaming Aarohi for the situation. And she said" its all because of u bitch '.

And after hearing this, Rudy just got so angry. He came back to Myra and said, "Don't you dare ever talk against her  again in life. I won't listen to anything against her. If you dare to talk like this again, I won't hesitate to throw you out of my life." Then he held Aarohi's hand and left from there.

Aarohi and Rudy came to Rudra's flat. Aarohi made Rudy sit, saying, "Why did you become so hyper? She's your friend, and she didn't do anything. It just happened on its own, so it's not serious."

Rudy replied, "Everything is serious when it comes to you, okay?"

Aarohi sat behind Rudy , held his hand, put her head on his shoulder, and said, "Don't be angry like this.

Hmm.but ....!!

Aarohi interrupted, "By the way, I have to say..." Aarohi continued, "You look so hot when you're angry."

Rudy smiled, and somehow his anger dissipated. He kissed Aarohi's head.

After some days, Aarohi, Rudy, Teju, Priya were going to the canteen, but in between, a boy came and shouted Rudra's name , "Hey you, Rudra, that's your name, right? Come here."

And then Aruhi asked, "Rudra, who is he?" But he said, "No, I don't know him."

So when he called again, they all went to that boy and asked, How do you know my name?" And that boy said, "he was a student of the JEE classes and his name is Sourav, and he said to Rudra, 'What do you think of yourself? That every  girl over here is flat on you?
Then he laughed by looking one of his friend and said  "Look at this boy. This is Rudra. And that girl rejected me because of him.
When he says he likes Rudra, how dumb she is."

Then Rudra said, "Hey, I don't know what girl, what are you saying about, but just don't interfere in my life, okay? Stay away."

And Rudra was just going to leave, and that boy again said, "Did you forget the girl whom you were on the date, when you came here at the starting of the session?" And Rudy said, "No, I don't remember." And he also added that, "If you like her, then go and talk to her and don't disturb me."
And again he was going to say that. That boy said, "Why? Are you afraid of me? Are you afraid to fight with me?" And Rudy was just about in anger, but aarohi held his hand and said, "Let's go."

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