#12: she confessed

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"In her eyes, love's gentle glow,
The words whispered, simple and slow.
"I'm falling for you," she softly said,
In that moment, hearts were wed"

Aarohi's pov

I read his message and saw the picture of us from yesterday. So beautiful. I love it. It looks so perfect. We both look so good together, and the sunset just makes it more beautiful behind us.

But I'm not going to talk to him. He's so flirty. I mean, he kissed a girl when he was in 8th grade. Seriously. And he's been in so many relationships; his longest relationship last for one month.

What if he broke up with me after one month?
He's used to breakups, but I'm not. I don't want to get hurt by him.

When I was on my way to my room, I saw he was sitting with Teju and talking to him , nut myra was not there with them so I guess they are fought again.

But I didn't say anything .. and I kept walking. Then I heard my name, and rudra called me.

He came to me and said, "I was waiting for you. Do you want me to walk you home?" I said no and started walking again, and he kept following me. He said, "Are you really not going to talk to me?"

I didn't reply, and then he said, "You saw my post, right?"

I said, "What post? No, I didn't."

But he said, "I know you have already read it, but can we at least talk now?" He said, "Hey, listen, why are you behaving like this? It's not my fault, but I promise it will never happen again. Just trust me."

And then I said, "Trust you? How can I trust you? You got kissed by a girl at one moment and the she text u to continue that kiss ........blahh blahhh....

And you broke up so easily. What if you break up with me? I don't want to get hurt by you."

And then he said, "Are you considering saying yes to my proposal? Is that why you're asking me not to break up with you? Then okay, I won't break up with you. Just say yes." I'll never hurt u ...

And I said, "I don't want to talk about this or anything with you," and I left.

Aothor's pov

The next day, all the students were planning to throw a party for their teacher as it was Teacher's Day. So, they were busy decorating the cafeteria and organizing things. Aarohi and Rudra were also present, but Rudra kept trying to talk , but aarohi was still not speaking to him.

Then, Sanjana approached Rudra and said "Hi Rudra, how are you?" Rudra replied, "I'm fine," and Sanjana continued talking to him. Rudra didn't want to engage in conversation, but he didn't say anything.

Myra and Teju were also assisting, as it was a group effort by all the students.

Aarohi noticed Sanjana and Rudra talking, but she wasn't happy to see them together. At that moment, Shivam approached Aarohi and asked for her help in writing a note for the teachers. Rudy saw Aarohi and Shivam sitting so close and writing something, which he didn't like.

In the evening,all the teachers attended the party . The teachers cut the cake, and everyone celebrated by dancing and eating. But after some time many teachers left .

Eventually, the music started, and all the students began dancing. Mayra approached Rudra and asked, "Can we dance, Rudra?" Rudra understood that she wanted to patch up with him, so he agreed, and they danced together. Teju and Priya were also dancing nearby.
Many students were dancing,but Aarohi was sitting with some classmates at a table.

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