#18:withdrawal symptoms

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Author's pov

"Aarohi and Rudra were heading back to their rooms from the library after studying, and Rudra's phone kept ringing, but he wasn't answering.

Finally, Aarohi asked, 'Why aren't you picking up the phone? It might be important; just answer it.'
Rudra replied, 'No, it's not urgent. It's just my younger sister calling me repeatedly.'
Aarohi persisted, 'Then why aren't you answering? She might have something important to tell you.' Rudra explained, 'She just wants me to come home for Diwali holidays, but I declined, and she's calling about that.'
Aarohi suggested, 'Why don't you go home? She must be missing you.' Rudra refused, 'No, I don't want to go.' Then he asked, 'Are you going?' Aarohi replied, 'No, I'm staying here to study. Since it's the holidays, I can study more without classes.'
Rudra remarked, 'Oh, you want to study alone? You ask me to go home, but you're staying?'
Aarohi clarified, 'But she's your sister; she must be missing you. That's why I suggested it, nothing else.' Rudra remained firm, 'No, I don't want to go.' When they reached Aarohi's building, she said goodbye, and Rudra said good night aaruh .

"On his way to his room, Rudra saw Myra standing with some boys, but he didn't say anything; he just kept walking. Then he heard Myra's voice, pleading with a boy to let go of her hand, but the boy refused. Myra continued shouting at the boy until Rudra intervened. He grabbed Myra's hand, pulled her away from the boy, and walked on, holding her hand. The boys didn't say anything, knowing how Rudra had punched a boy a few days earlier.

After walking a distance, Rudra let go of Myra's hand without saying anything and continued walking. Myra called out to him, apologizing repeatedly for the misunderstanding she had caused between Aarohi and Rudra, but he ignored her. She followed him, begging for forgiveness, tears in her eyes. She pleaded, 'Rudy, please listen to me. I'm sorry, I was just being overprotective. Please forgive me, this won't happen again.' Rudra replied, 'No, I don't want to hear anything from you.' Despite his refusal, Myra continued apologizing, insisting on their friendship and her remorse. Rudra finally responded, 'Of course, we're best friends, but no one do anything like that to their best friend , but u did.' With that, Rudra walked away and entered his building."

After some days,

the classes were over, and Rudra, Teju, Priya, and Aarohi were still sitting in the class while some students were leaving. Myra was also leaving. She stopped, looked at Rudra, but then walked away.

Teju said, "Here, I think it's more than enough now. You should talk to Myra." Priya added, "I agree." Aarohi urged, "Just go and talk to her. Please." However, Rudra replied, "No, I'll not talk to her." As they all insisted, Rudra repeated, "No, I'm not going to talk to her," and left the class, forgetting his phone on his seat.

After a minute, his phone rang, and Aarohi picked it up. It was a call from Rudra's mother.

Mother said, "Hello, Rudra." Aarohi replied, "Hello. Sorry, but Rudra is not present. I'll tell him to call you back."
The mother asked, "Who are you? You are not Myra."
Aarohi clarified, "Yes, I'm not Myra. I'm Rudra's friend, Aarohi."
His mother pleasantly replied, "Oh, you are Aarohi."
Aarohi asked, "You know me?"
His mother responded, "Yes, of course. It's because of you that my son has been so happy for the last few months."
Aarohi smiled and asked, "He talked to you about me?" The mother replied, "A lot." Then, his mother said, "Can I ask you, I mean, I request you about something?" Aarohi replied, "Yeah, sure, aunty." The mother asked, "Can you please convince Rudra to come home for Diwali holidays?"
Aarohi explained, "Yeah, I already told him, but he said he doesn't want to go."
His mother pleaded, "I know , only you can convince him to come home. Please, you are my last hope."
As his mother was requesting so much, Aarohi agreed, "Okay, I'll try to convince him." The call ended.

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