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"Jisung, I-" Before I could finish my sentence, he sat up suddenly and pressed his lips to mine. 

It was like a floodgate had opened, all his emotions pouring out in this one desperate kiss.

I couldn't resist him any longer, I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him back with all the love I had for him. 

It was like coming home after a long journey, a feeling that I had missed so much.

But then reality hit me like a ton of bricks. I couldn't do this, I couldn't break his heart all over again. 

As I pulled away from the kiss, my heart ached with guilt and confusion.

Jisung's lips were soft and desperate against mine, still holding onto the hope that we could be together again.

 But I couldn't do that to him, not when I was about to marry someone else.

I wiped my tears as Jisung sat back, his eyes brimming with tears of his own. 

I could see the hurt in his gaze, and I wished I could just tell him how much I still loved him. 

But there was no going back now, I had made my decision and I had to stick to it.

Just then, Yeonsin entered the room, looking beautiful in her red dress. 

My heart sank as I saw her, knowing that I was breaking her heart as well. 

She smiled warmly at me, but I could see the confusion in her eyes as she noticed my tear-stained face.

"What's wrong Minho? Is everything okay? Are you hurt?" She asked me.

"Meeting my best friend Jisung after a long time was overwhelming," I said, my eyes dropped.

"Awe, both of your eyes look red. Does it hurt?"

Does it hurt?// MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now