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In the hallowed halls adorned with white lace and ivory silk, I stood amidst a swirl of celebration and sorrow, my gaze fixed upon the altar where Minho would exchange vows with another.

My heart ached with a longing so profound that it threatened to consume me whole.

As I watched him take her hand, his voice resonating with a love I could only imagine, a bittersweet realization washed over me.

I had lost him.

I had lost myself.

It's over.

The ceremony unfolded before my tear-blurred eyes, each moment a cruel reminder of what could have been.

The place where Yeonsin stood, should've been me.

The one to marry Minho should've been me.

The one to be with Minho should've been me.

The priest then blesses the couple, joins their hands together, and asks, "Do you take Kang Yeonsin as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" the priest's voice rung loud in the banquet.

As the priest began his final speech, I felt a sudden wave of dizziness wash over me.

 I tried to steady myself, but before I knew it, I was collapsing onto the floor. The last thing I saw before my vision blurred was Minho's concerned face, his eyes filled with worry.


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