Catching Feelings

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It's been almost two full weeks, and I have to say, the highlight of my Mondays and Fridays are the one-on-one sessions with Julia. The interviews make her on edge, but she seems comfortable during our practices. The banter back and forth we now have is hysterical and makes the practices go by fast. Almost too fast. It helps that she's easy on the eyes. I don't think she even realizes it.

Trisha loves her as well, which is a huge relief. She loves her enough to even take Julia under her wing a little, spending three days shopping for a dress in preparation for a big upcoming event .

But Julia is still shit with the guitar. I know this is all new, so I'm not surprised. I also know she hasn't been practicing at night. I can tell, and will have to tease her on that today.

I take one final sip of my coffee and throw it in the trash as I walk into the studio.

There she is, sitting on the couch waiting patiently, scrolling through her phone. Looking amazing as always in black skinny jeans and a fitted white top with a jean jacket over it. She's hot, but she's unaware and overly shy. I flirt with her more than I usually do with others. Right now, I can't help but stare at her and all her details before she notices I'm in the room.

"Sorry I'm late. Traffic was fucking brutal tonight" I finally say and we get down to business as usual.


While waiting for Nate, I look at the pictures Trisha took of me in my VERY expensive gowns for some Gala we are invited to. The company pays for the formal attire but the price tags blow my mind. I look through the photos to pick out which one looks best, so Trisha can have it tailored to fit me perfectly. Being only 5 ft tall, a good amount of the dress needs to be taken off the bottom.

I find myself smiling looking at these photos. I can't believe I'm here. I can't believe I get to dress up and go to this. I've never been more excited in my life for one event.

Nate walks in and I put my phone in my pocket, ready for another torturous lesson.

My main goal is to actually pay attention and not get lost in those bright blue eyes. He knows he's attractive which is even worse. He can tell for sure when his flirting gets to me. My blushing cheeks when embarrassed has always been a dead giveaway for me .

So tonight my only job is to focus on the guitar.
Not the maroon T-shirt that's hugging his body showing off his arm muscles. Or the jeans that fit JUST right.
I will not focus on his lips when he puts his Chapstick on, something he seems to do multiple times in one session .
Or his jawline and the stubble he grows to make him look even sexier. The way he is always fixing his light brown hair and tucking locks back up in to place when they fall slightly on to his forehead.

No, I won't think of any of those things.

After about a half hour of keeping myself under control, I feel like I'm getting nowhere with this guitar. I haven't accomplished much, and Nate's flirting never makes it any easier. It's been two weeks, and he still hasn't let up. If anything, I think he's kicked it up a notch tonight.

I look at the clock hanging above the door. 20 more minutes. Remind me why I signed up for this torture again??? Oh yeah, that's right. It's Nate fricken Hollan, that's why. Anyone, male or female, I don't care who you are, would be an idiot to turn down this once in a lifetime opportunity.

Seeing as I'm about to throw this guitar out the window in frustration, Nate moves from his chair to sit next to me on the couch. I can smell his cologne on him, which can clearly hypnotize anyone in close proximity.

God, he smells amazing.

Without a blink of an eye, he reaches over and tucks a long brown lock of my hair behind my ear, still holding his stare the entire time. I automatically flinch a little and look away. I'm not used to someone being so bold.

The WinnerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora