The Last Of Us

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"You pissed off a lot of people."

Jonah observes my wrist looking for a good vein for my IV. 

"Damn it."

The frustrated nurse grabs my right hand  after having no luck  with my left. Due to being so dehydrated, this simple task becomes a pain in the ass of a chore for Jonah.

"Shit!" I flinch when he administers the thin needle back into my skin. I will  now sport a bruise on my right hand to match my left.

I caused a lot of ruckus by leaving the hospital. The bodyguards alone had their work cut out for them. The staff were anything but pleased with the added commotion. Their  frustrations doubled when I then returned hours later, completely intoxicated, ready to be admitted again in the middle of the night. The disturbances were unwelcomed, to say the least, and the media attention will for sure go through the roof.

 I observe my nurse as he puts the blood pressure cuff back on my arm. He hooks me back up to all the shit I tore off my body in order to leave.

 "I had to go." I look up at Jonah. "I had to say goodbye to Julia before she goes home."

"Did you say goodbye to Julia or Jack?" Jonah keeps his eyes on the monitor, jotting down the numbers in my chart, clearly smelling the strong whiskey scent coming off me.


"157/93" He makes eye contact and raises his eyebrows while he writes the numbers down. "BPM 112."


I still don't understand some of the medical terms they say here. My eyes  dart from the monitor to Jonah.

"Your pulse. Your resting heart rate. Anything above 90 is a red flag. Your numbers aren't great." The nurse shakes his head. "Hope it was worth it."

"It was DEFINATELY worth it." I smirk, making Jonah smile a little even though he didn't want to. He gets what I'm saying.

 I glance up at the muted television set. Reporters are having a field day with this and it didn't take long for them to inform the whole fucking world. My phone is working overtime as well but I don't answer a single call.

The list of people I've pissed off from this one decision gets longer by the hour. My Managers, Publicist, Lawyers and Trisha all remain on the top of this list, all who are involved with the making of Nate Hollan, now giving me a piece of their minds.

Where I went, nobody knows, but Trisha has a good idea and has had enough of my shenanigans. Ignoring her texts and calls only fires her up more.  I will pay for this later.

But it was still worth it.



Paul lounges on the couch paying no attention to me seeing as it's the middle of the night and everyone in the hotel is sleeping. Everyone but James, Paul and myself.

I claim my spot in my usual chair behind the lobby desk pretending like I work here. James swivels in his chair like he always does. As silly as it may sound, this will be one of the biggest things I'll miss once I leave.  Looking forward to these nightly encounters made the trying days more tolerable.

"You look like shit." James teases, rolling his chair a little closer to mine.

"Thanks. I knew I could count on you to make me feel better." I squint my red exhausted eyes at him jokingly.

"And you smell like a damn liquor store."

"Again...Thanks?" I give him a well deserved eyeroll.

"Are you drunk right now, Miss Moretti?" James raises an eyebrow.

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