Chapter Twenty-Seven

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The next morning, I woke to the sun shining in my room and the birds singing. Looking beside me, the spot was empty.  I frowned sitting up, glancing around and spotted a piece of paper on my night stand. 

A note telling me Paul had headed home or in his case Emily's house to take a shower and eat. Emily had given Paul a room. I was a little bummed about him leaving but I couldn't stop smiling. 

This was a gentle side of my hot head no one rarely saw and I loved that I was the one who could bring it out. 

Sighing in content, I stretched and got out of bed, grabbing my bathrobe and kit and headed to take a shower. I took a hot quick one and got out, going back into my bedroom and flew to my closet. 

I got dressed putting on a purple tank, adding a black crop top with a shoulder down that showed the purple tank strap and a pair of my jeans. I decided to go all natural with my makeup today, my man loved me with or without this stuff. Grabbing a hair tie off my vanity as I passed, I shoved my feet into a pair of ankle boots and grabbed my bag heading out. 

Walking down the stairs I tied my hair up into a loose ponytail, I was only going to hang out with Jacob so I thought it was pointless to go all out for someone who's my little brother and not my boyfriend. 

Reaching the bottom of the stairs. Charlie came out of the kitchen with a beer in his hand. 

"You going somewhere?" 

"Uh yeah thought I'd go hang with Jake."  I said slipping into my jacket. 

"Sounds good, have fun." He told me moving to the couch, he paused for a moment. "You and Lahote have been spending a lot of time together... are you two uh-" He paused looking nervous about what he was going to ask, I understood it completely.

"No." I told him confirming. "Paul and I are dating but that's it. I promise we're not doing anything else." 

"Good." He mumbled nodding his head. "That's good. You should bring him around sometimes."  I looked at him. "Invite him to dinner.... Maybe this weekend?"

I stared at my uncle for the longest time, he wasn't being mean or awkward, he was actually being supportive and trusting. 

I smiled at him. 

"I'll do that." I said nodding heading for the door. "I'll be back in time to make dinner" 

"Say hey to Billy!" Charlie shouted after me. 

Heading outside, I skipped down the stairs and over to my wrangler, feeling like I haven't been behind my own wheel in ages. I slide in and shut the door, flipping my heat on. 

I waited for the jeep to warm up a little and backed out. 


It took me my normal time to get to the Black's small house, it started raining so it was getting cold. Parking my jeep, I turned off the engine and smiled at the red house I haven't seen in ages. 

Bringing my jacket closer, I hurried around back to the garage and made eye contact with Billy through the window, he waved smiling at me. He knew why I was here. I gave him a quick smile. 

Loud music met my ears as I pulled open the door and stepped into the warm garage. 

A head snapped towards me. Jacob was the only one here. 

"Elena?" He asked sounding surprised. "What are you doing here?" 

"We're supposed to hang out remember?" I asked raising an eyebrow. 

"You done sucking face with Lahote? Finally remember your friends?" He asked. 

I stared at him, glaring lightly and crossed my arms. 

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