chapter 3

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Isabella POV

As I descended the staircase, the soft fabric of my beautiful dress cascaded around me, catching the light in a mesmerizing dance of elegance. My best friend stood at the foot of the stairs, his gaze locked on me, his eyes widening in awe at the sight. His expression spoke volumes, a silent testament to the beauty he saw in me.

he is as handsome as he always was. He stood tall and confident, his sculpted physique accentuated by the well-defined six-pack abs that peeked through his fitted shirt. His blond hair caught the sunlight, casting a golden halo around his head, and his piercing blue eyes sparkled with a hint of mischief. With a chiseled jawline and a charismatic smile, he exuded an aura of charm and attractiveness that turned heads wherever he went. Overall, he was the epitome of a handsome and desirable man, with a physique that matched his striking blond hair and captivating blue eyes, drawing attention and admiration from those around him.

Beside him, my brother chuckled lightly, nudging my best friend. "You might want to pick your jaw up from the floor, mate," he teased, a playful smirk on his lips.

My best friend shook his head, still captivated by the vision before him. "She looks stunning," he murmured, his admiration evident in his voice.

My brother, ever the practical one, interrupted our moment. "Hey, since you're going out, could you drop her off at her date? It's on your way," he asked my best friend.

My best friend nodded eagerly, a smile tugging at his lips. "Of course, no problem at all," he replied, his eyes still lingering on me with a fondness that warmed my heart.

"wait did you say date"  "yes" luca said trying to control his laughter when he saw leos face 

Leo had always been fiercely protective of me

I could sense his concern bubbling just beneath the surface. His hand on my arm felt reassuring yet firm, his eyes scanning mine with a mix of care and worry. i just have a bunch of  butterflies storming my stomach because of the hand.

Leo's protective instincts were like a fortress, unwavering and steadfast. Whenever the topic of my personal life came up, especially regarding dating or outings, he transformed into a guardian, ready to shield me from any potential harm. His gestures, like placing a reassuring hand on my arm or his intense gaze filled with concern and affection, spoke volumes about his feelings.

"Are you absolutely sure about this, Bella? I can't bear the thought of anyone causing you even the slightest discomfort," he would say, his voice a blend of worry and determination that resonated deep within me.

I couldn't help but smile at his concern, feeling a warmth spread through me at the depth of his care. "Leo, I'll be careful. You don't have to worry so much," I reassured him, my heart fluttering at the thought of how much he cared.

His protectiveness was not just about friendship anymore; it carried undertones of something more profound, something I couldn't quite articulate but felt with every fiber of my being. It was as if his protective shield mirrored the growing affection I held for him, a silent acknowledgement of the bond that was blossoming between us.

But Leo wouldn't budge, his protective stance unwavering. "I know, but I can't help it. I care about you too much to see you get hurt," he confessed, his eyes reflecting a depth of emotion that stirred something profound within me.

His protectiveness both touched and frustrated me at times. "Leo, I'll be fine. It's just a casual date," I replied, trying to assure him while also asserting my independence.

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