Chapter 4

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I stood at the foot of the staircase, mesmerized by Bella's beauty as she descended. Her dress flowed around her like a vision, catching the light in a way that left me breathless. Beside me, Luca nudged me, a knowing smile playing on his lips. I couldn't help but agree with his unspoken admiration.

She was stunning, more so than I had ever seen her. Her radiant smile and the way her eyes sparkled made my heart skip a beat. But amidst the awe, a pang of unease crept in as the word "date" hung in the air. Luca's teasing only added to my internal turmoil, though I tried to mask it with a smile.

As she reached the bottom of the stairs, Her brother's request to drop her off at her date further fueled my protective instincts. the thought of her being hurt or uncomfortable on a date stirred a mix of concern and possessiveness within me.

"Wait, did you say date?" I couldn't hide the surprise and slight apprehension in my voice, trying to gauge her feelings without being too obvious.

Luca's laughter, though light-hearted, didn't ease my nerves. I had always been fiercely protective of Bella, and the idea of her dating someone unfamiliar brought a surge of protectiveness to the forefront.

Her reassurances and smiles did little to quell my worries. "I know, but you know how some guys can be," I couldn't help but voice my concerns, my hand instinctively resting on her arm in a gesture of both comfort and caution.

Her exasperated yet fond response only deepened my resolve to watch over her. "Leo, I'll be fine. It's just a casual date," she tried to assure me, but her eyes betrayed a hint of nervousness.

"I know, but I can't help it. I care about you too much to see you get hurt," I admitted, my gaze locked with hers, hoping she understood the depth of my feelings.

Her playful retorts and eye rolls were endearing, but they didn't lessen my protective stance. "Are you sure you're ready for this, Bella?" I couldn't resist teasing her, trying to lighten the mood despite the underlying seriousness of my concern.

Her confident response and playful banter were like a balm to my worried soul. "Yes, Leo, I think I can handle a simple dinner date," she replied with a smile that tugged at my heartstrings.

As we drove to her date, I couldn't shake off the feeling of unease mixed with a strange sense of longing. Her nervous fidgeting didn't go unnoticed, and I couldn't resist teasing her to ease the tension, though my own emotions were in turmoil.

"Don't worry, I've got the GPS on lock. But seriously, Bella, if this guy doesn't appreciate how amazing you are, he's missing out," I said, my tone sincere as I looked at her in the rearview mirror.

Her gratitude and the way her eyes lingered on mine sparked a silent understanding between us. "Anytime, Bella. You deserve the best," I whispered, hoping she would understand the depth of my feelings beneath the protective facade.

As she stepped out of the car, I couldn't help but wonder if she felt the same way, if maybe my protective instincts were fueled by something more than friendship. And as I watched her walk away, a part of me hoped that she would see me not just as her friend, but as someone who cared for her deeply, someone who would always be there to shield her from harm and cherish her for who she truly was. but at the same time i realised i have a girlfriend and i have to stay away from as much i hate that i have to its for her own good.


Hi guys hope you are having a great day

this is the first leos pov hope you guys liked it i know its a flashback but i just had to add his pov as well and i know its short but i gave it my best shot.

also would love feedback as always

like always love you guys:) 🫶 and see you guys in next chapter

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