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Sena deftly wrapped the new binding around her wrists, adjusting the restraint with practiced movements before reaching for another arrow. As she nocked it against the bowstring, her peripheral vision caught a figure strolling across the palace grounds.

Minister Yoon strode along the path, hands clasped behind his back, a scroll of some sort tucked under one arm. Sena raised an inquisitive brow as she tracked his movements, turning her head slightly towards Hyeonu.

"What do you think he's up to?" she asked idly, while using her teeth to hold the binding in place as she secured it.

Hyeonu followed her line of sight, his expression flat as he watched the minister. "You ask questions you already know the answers to," he replied after a beat, mouth quirking up at one corner.

Sena's lips twitched in response. "Do I?"

She adjusted her stance, sighting down the arrow towards the target. With a smooth exhale, she loosed the projectile, which thudded into the outer ring with a solid thunk.

Hyeonu made a noncommittal noise in the back of his throat. "Not your best shot."

"Hardly," Sena agreed mildly. She moved to retrieve her arrows, steps unhurried. Pausing briefly, she tipped her face up towards the brilliant blue sky peeking through the trees.

"How long before the leaves shift in color, do you think?" she asked softly, more to herself than her companion.

Hyeonu lifted one brow at the non-sequitur. "You are a strange woman," he said at last. "Has anyone told you that?"

Sena simply hummed an acknowledgment, already moving on as she gathered the spent arrows. Her head turned sharply at the sound of approaching footsteps.

The Queen herself swept into the training grounds. Sena immediately went to one knee, bowing her head respectfully.

"Your Majesty," she murmured. "To what do I owe this honor?"

Queen Soheon smiled fondly at the younger woman. "Ah, Master Sena. There is no need for such formalities between us."

Straightening, Sena inclined her head. "I wanted to thank you again for the generous gift. The hairpins are exquisite."

The queen waved an airy hand. "Think nothing of it, my dear. I'm only too glad to have secured such an accomplished tutor for the crown prince."

Her expression took on a more pensive note as she regarded Sena. "Actually...since you mention it, I did wish to ask a favor of you, if I may?"

Sena's eyebrows raised a fraction, but she simply nodded for the queen to continue, awaiting the request.

Queen Soheon hesitated briefly before pressing on. "I wanted to ask if you have noticed anyone...out of the ordinary speaking with the prince recently? Anyone who does not typically have dealings with him?"

There was a careful neutrality to her words, but Sena did not miss the concern there. She considered the question for a long moment before responding.

"I cannot say that I have, Your Majesty," she said slowly. "The prince's actions and company have seemed perfectly normal to me."

Soheon held Sena's steady gaze, as if weighing the truth of her words. At last, she nodded, seemingly satisfied.

"I see. Thank you, Master Sena. You have put my mind at ease."

Sena simply inclined her head once more. "I will, of course, keep a watchful eye and report anything amiss regarding the prince's welfare."

"You have my gratitude," the queen replied. She started to turn away, then paused, throwing one last inscrutable look at Sena over her shoulder.

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