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The dark streaks of night painted the sky as Sena strolled up the long drive to the Pae family manor. The gravel crunched beneath her feet, blending with the earthy scents of pine and wildflowers carried on the evening breeze.

She took a deep breath before crossing the threshold into the grand foyer, bobbing a respectful bow. "Good evening, My lady, my lord."

From the sitting room, Jin-hee's voice rang out in its usual teasing lilt. "Oh, here we go - always so prim and proper with the parents, hmm?" Her elder sister lounged with effortless poise, one shapely leg crossed over the other as she inspected her nails.

Sena shot her a mild look of reproach before turning her attention to their adopted parents. Lady Pae, ever observant, gave her youngest a scrutinizing once-over, brow arching slightly. "Jin-hee mentioned you had a visitor earlier?"

With a casual flip of her hand, Sena demurred, "No one important, Mother." 

Lord Pae harrumphed skeptically, visibly tensing before Sena could continue. "I merely had a small incident out in the forest, is all."

His gruff demeanor melted at the mention of injury, concern painted his brow. "An incident? Doing what, exactly?"

"Showing off and making all the men feel inferior, no doubt," Jin-hee interjected with an impish grin, pinching her fingers together in cheeky illustration.

In an instant, Lady Pae was at Sena's side, fretting hands gently taking the girl's arm as she looked her over. "You're hurt? Are you quite alright, my dear?"

"Of course. It's just a scratch," Sena assured her with a faint smile, though she made no move to pull away from Lady Pae's fussing.

Lord Pae nodded. "Well, if you're looking to be coddled like a babe, you've come to the right place," he groused, though his eyes held a glimmer of paternal warmth. "Will you be gracing your poor parents with your presence today, or is this simply a momentary visit?"

Before Sena could respond, Lady Pae waved a dismissive hand. "Oh hush, she's injured. She'll be staying the night, won't you dear?" She looked toward Sena with an expectant raise of her brows, clearly not giving her daughter much choice in the matter.

A low chuckle slipped from Sena's lips as she inclined her head. "Fair enough. For tonight at least, I shall consider myself your captive guest."

Jin-hee laughed richly at that. "A captive guest? How ominous that sounds, coming from you."

Lady Pae seemed satisfied, patting Sena's uninjured arm affectionately before guiding her further into the estate's interior, ignoring Jin-hee's playful needling.

Later that evening, Lady Pae exclaimed, "Ah, that reminds me! Your new hanbok should be ready by now, shouldn't it? I haven't heard a word from the seamstress." She stated more to herself.

She turned to Sena. "Why don't you go freshen up, dear? I'll have something light prepared for you."

Sena nodded in agreement. "Of course, eomeoni."

As time passed after the light meal, Jin-hee couldn't resist prying a bit further about the mysterious visitor. "So who was that handsome man you had meet you at the gates earlier?" she asked with a sly grin.

Sena arched one brow. "Why? Are you interested in him yourself, unnie?"

Jin-hee waved a hand dismissively. "Don't be crass. Though I can't blame you for being smitten - did you see the way he looked at you?" Her grin widened conspiratorially. "It was rather...heated, wouldn't you agree?"

"Don't start writing one of your novels in your head," Sena chided, though the rebuke lacked any true bite. After a moment's pause, she continued flatly, "He's...a casualty. Don't mind him."

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