Chapter 4: Cape Hatteras

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Chapter 4: Cape Hatteras

(Author's Note: Sorry about the gap between updates, I've been waiting for inspiration to strike and I think y'all can see how that's working out for me :p Anyway, hope you enjoy... Picture of Zoey above :) -Bri*

Brittany's POV:

I lean against the desk and Keith examines the rifle I gave him. The sun is beginning to set and I can walk, but it doesn't feel that great. If I stay on it too long, it begins to hurt, but I'm not telling Keith that.

"You know how to make a molotov?" I ask.

He looks at me for a second before nodding.

"Then we should make some. I've already had a few thrown at me." I scoff.

He doesn't reply, he just stands up and goes over to the cabinets to search for the ingredients.

"Have you seen any sign of the others?" I ask.

"No, nothing. You're the first half sane person I've seen." He reply's.

"Hey, I take offence to that." I reply. I stand up and snatch a bottle from him, deciding helping will occupy me.

"Where were the boys at?" He suddenly asks after a few minutes of silence.

"I don't know exactly, but I can take you there. We need to stay up high, because where we were, the Infected swarm at night." I reply.

He nods after we both finish out a second bomb, "I think this is good for now," I go over to a students desk and grab a black backpack, "Strap them on the side."

- - - - -

We peek over the roof and see that the Infected are most certainly down there. And there is something else down there as well.

We're currently on the roof of the building across from the one the boys and I were staying at. The bodies of the Hunters are still down there and I'm not surprised to see about six Infected down there as well. Some are even feeding on one Hunter which I try to ignore.

"What the hell is that thing?" Keith asks. I stare down at the overly large creature and reply, "I have no idea."

It looks like a man, but it's huge. It resembles a Sonus, it's obese with spores growing all over it, but because there is no sound that tells me that's not what it is. It appears to be blind, bumping into things here and there. I think it goes by sound.

"How do we get past it?" I whisper.

He pulls his backpack off and pulls out a molotov. He looks at me suggestively and I take it from him. I watch as it patrols the streets and soon gets close enough for me to throw. I hope my aim doesn't fail me now.

I light the rag and throw it, getting it in the back. It stumbles forward and lets out a yell of pain and anger as it's whole body catches fire and it thrashes around.

I wait to see it that was enough to kill it because I want to save as many as I can. After about thirty seconds the flames die out and it's skin is singed black, but it's still alive and angry.

It suddenly starts to yell and hit things all around it, trying to find the culprit.

Keith throws another, and this time the flames pull it to the ground and it's movements stop. The flames continue to burn and we can confirm that it's dead.

"Do you think that would have drawn the boys out?" Keith asks.

"Probably, they know I'm the only one stupid enough to come out at night." I reply. We watch the buildings and the ground for a few minutes, but nothing. The boys are probably long gone and out of this town if they're smart.

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