Chapter 16: Carson

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Chapter 16: Carson

(Author's Note: This chapter is dedicated to loveforbirds, one of my best friends, for her birthday this January:) I hope you like this book I've been trying to get you to read lol) -Bri*

Brittany's POV:

I see the slight emotion is his eyes for barely a second, then it's gone, "You're trying my d*** patients."

If this is my only hope, so be it, "I traveled with your sister, I even helped her get out of the quarantine zone."

I can't get out another word because of his grip.

"She's f***ing lying." Cody snaps.

Hades loosens his grip and spits out, "Then send me a link, Rat."

I use my mind-link to send him the pictures. I send him an image of Ally and I, along with our group, fighting the Infected and a Savage. I send him the one of us in a quarantine zone, and one more of Ally sitting with Zoey, laughing.

He lets go slowly and stands up straight, so I slowly come up off of the desk, trying to control my choking.

"She's with my group now." I tell him.

"Where?" He asks a little more calmly.

"How do I know you won't slaughter everyone and take her?" I ask.

"I'll slaughter you." He threatens.

"Then you slaughter your answer. I'll take you to her under one condition." I propose.

He doesn't reply so I continue, "Only you come, that stays here along with the rest of your Pack." I notion towards Cody.

Cody stomps towards me, ready to beat the wind out of me, again, but Hades puts up his arm to stop him.

"If I sense one person in your Pack, all bets are off. And when you get her, you f*** off while we leave North Carolina." I growl.

"You can't be okay with this!" Cody snaps.

"Shut your mouth and sit down!" Hades turns around, growling at his brother while he glares him down.


"You don't trust me?" Hades asks casually as I walk five feet behind him.

I pull my jacket farther down out of self consciousness. Mason, who couldn't come with us because of Hades, gave me a gun and a jacket so I put the gun in the back of my jeans so Hades doesn't find out.

"Considering I got the devil beat out of me, almost died, and almost got raped in one day? Yeah, I don't trust you." I snap.

He just hums in response. We've been walking through the woods for a good while. Hades took me back to his factory and I followed Keith's blood trail, but of course it ended. Jax knew better.

Hades tried to tell me it ended, but I didn't listen. The scent spray Jax obviously used threw me off of his trail and I come to a stop with a sigh.

"What is it?" Hades asks annoyed, turning around.

"None of this is familiar. How far away are we from where Cody kidnapped me?" I ask bitterly.

"Uh, about twenty miles." He replies.

"Lead the way, I'll know where to go from there." I growl in irritation.

He shifts into a large chocolate brown wolf, his special made clothes shifting with him, with dark brown eyes, so dark they could be mistaken for black. His Wolf is definitely bigger than mine even though I have Alpha blood.

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