Chapter 4

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Diana's POV

I stand on the beach looking out to the water just as the sun is rising. I don't know what to do. I know that neither Meg or myself belong here but I didn't know any way to get home either. I didn't even know how the heck we got here to begin with! What if we really are stuck here? What if there is no way back and no we are suppose to live our lives out in this time? Could we do that? All of this war and killing I didn't understand any of it. To take someones life to me was a horrible deed yet here we were with an army.

"Your up early? You know if he finds you missing he won't be happy." I hear Meg's voice behind me.

"What does it matter Meg? Who knows how long we have here. We could be gone at any time." I tell her without looking away from my view of the sunrise.

"Well sister I hate to break this to you but if we were going back don't you think it would have happened by now?" she asks me as she comes to my side.

"That's what scares me. What if we really are stuck here Meg? You remember history class don't you? Women are just property in this time." I tell her as I look over at her.

"Di, you are worrying way to much. Just calm down and take a breath would you? Have you even eaten anything yet?" Meg asks me as she puts her hand on my arm.

"No, I just. I came out here to watch the sunrise. I didn't even think to eat." I tell her as I look at her hand on me.

"Please sis. Stop worrying all that will do is make you sick. Now come on lets get some food." Meg says as she grabs my arm and gives me a push to start me walking to the food tent.

As usual the men are already inside. I don't know whatever happened between Meg and Patroclus but he seems to keep his distance from us. Oh no what did she say to him this time? Just as we sit down I notice our royal pain a bit too close to Patroclus for my or Meg's liking. Oh I see the game she is playing.

"You know Meg she is just doing that to get under your skin." I tell Meg as she looks at me.

"She can do what she wants as can Patroclus. After all we know what happens to both of them. Wouldn't want to get attached to someone you know isn't going to last." Meg says crudly as she takes a drink.

"Wow Meg that was a little dark. Just because we know something like that doesn't mean we can't change it." I tell her as she puts her drink down.

"Well you were the one who said not to change anything. If we can then we will then?" she asks me.

"Fine Meg you win. How are you going to explain knowing all of this now though?" I question her logic.

"I'm not going to explain anything. We can just call it a feeling." she says with a smile.

Then as we looks around the tent we see a very angry Achilles walk inside. Oh no I hope this has nothing to do with me leaving without telling him. We make eye contact and something inside me tells me to run for the hills and my body stands up obeying my head's orders and I head right for the door unknowing that Achilles is right behind me.

I stop just outside Achilles tent as he comes up and grabs me.

"Where in the world were you? I had men looking for you everywhere!" he tells me a bit too forcefully for my taste.

"I was with Meg at the beach watching the sunrise." I tell him knowing even if I tried to lie that he would find out.

"We are at war woman! You can't just go wherever you please." he tells me as he leads me inside the tent.

"You are at war! I have nothing to do with it! I have nothing to do with Troy or Greece! This is the most ridiculous war over a mere woman!" I yell back at him defending myself.

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