Chapter 8

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Meg's POV

Alright I never thought I would be in this situation. You know pregnant with Patroclus baby but lucky for me Diana took the news...ok. I mean usually with stuff like that she faints but she was more along the lines of so shocked she wanted to kill me. Now here we sit at a dinner neither of us want anything to do with. I try to ignore the people around me when I notice Paris looking at Di in an odd way. Ok really that guy is just a creep. Then I turn to my left and notice Hector glaring at Paris probably for looking at Di but I don't get it. I mean I know Di likes Achilles but now she has two princes fighting over her? Lucky duck! Well when I say fighting in my eyes it looks like Paris does thing with or to Di just to make Hector jealous. Boy does it work too.

Just as Di starts to drink something someone starts to say something about us not having a title or being any part of Troy therefore we have no reason to be at the table. What didn't shock me was that is was Hector's future bride who said this.

"Now, Diana is a honored guest for saving my niece and her sister is just as welcome as she is." The King tells the woman.

"Yet they are dressed as nobles? I see no need for that." the woman tells him looking at us.

Uh oh I can see Di is starting to get pissed then again I am not exactly calm right now either. I know she does the best she can to ignore the woman but how can you ignore that tiny high pitched voice? I swear her voice reminds me of "Miss Fine" off "The Nanny".

"Enough." Hector tells the woman beside him.

"No, do they not have homes of their own? What reason do they have to live here?" she starts.

"That is none of your concern. Diana and Meg are guests of mine and have nothing to do with you." Paris says speaking up for us.

Oh he is so sucking up to Diana and she doesn't seem to mind either. I think she was just happy someone was willing to stand up for us.

"Helen do you approve of his choice?" the woman asks her.

Oh for the love of Pete. Why does she have to drag this on I mean really? It's like oh I see, she wants to keep Di away from Hector. As if that would work he is usually the one hunting her down.

"I have nothing against these women, they have not wrong me in any way." Helen states looking at Di and myself. "I suggest you just mind your own business, Aletha."

Oh so that's her name? I always though it was just crazy, weird woman but then again that would be too long. Oh no now I am starting to feel nauseous. I look to Di whose eyes widen at me. Hey don't blame me, this kid has horrible timing.

"Excuse me my King but my sister is not feeling well, may we be excused?" Di asks the King.

"Of course, is there anything you need?" The King asks as he leans forward in his seat looking at me.

"No but thank you my King." Di tells helping me out of my chair and out of the room.

"I really don't like Aletha. She seems like a snob." I tell her as I keep my hand over my mouth just in case.

"Well she's one of those people who thinks they should get whatever they want. Even if they have to steal it." Di says helping me to my room and laying me down on the bed. "Do you need anything?"

"I wish Patroclus were here so I could tell him the news, then knock his lights out for putting me in this situation." I tell her with a giggle.

Di takes a rag from the basin and puts it on my head and smiles down at me.

"Oh so this is all his fault? If I remember correctly it takes two to make a baby Meg, you can't go without blame this time." Di says with a giggle.

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