Chapter 12

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Diana's POV

How stupid was I? Ha thinking I could change history! Who in the world would think that was even possible? Oh right me! What an idiot! Slowly I make my way back to Achilles camp as if I would be welcomed there. I didn't have anywhere else to go though not to mention I was wearing Royal Trojan clothes. One can only imagine how well that will go over. I didn't want to wake Achilles or any woman he may or may not have in his tent with him.

I finally make it to Meg and Patroclus tent. Sighing I barely open the flap and Meg sits right up in bed with a dagger ready to kill me. Oh crud please tell me she isn't going to sleep kill me! I put my hands up in defense as she slowly lowers the blade and stands up walking my way.

"Diana? What's going on? Why are you back here?" Meg ask me as she drops the dagger and comes over to hug me.

"Well hello to you too. Let's just say that the deal wouldn't have kept anyway. I was accused of being a spy by Hector and decided to take my leave." I explain to her as she turns away from me and spreads a blanket on the floor.

"You can sleep here then, I can tell you are tired and if you sleep into the morning I will make sure that no one bothers you either. After that you may want to talk to Achilles." she tells me as I lay down on the blanket.

"I doubt he will want to see me. Has he already found another to warm his bed?" I ask sarcasticaly as I lay my head down and yawn.

"No, he hasn't had any women. At least that is what Patroclus has told me." Meg replies as she gets back into bed with Patroclus.

Achilles POV

The next morning was one I was dreading. It was true Helen had returned to her pig of a husband but it didn't stop the wars. After getting dressed I walked out of my tent and went to Patroclus and Meg's. I was stunned by what I saw when I opened the flap. There laying on a blanket in the sand was Diana. This had to be a trick, I knew she was in Troy yet right there before my eyes she laid. Royal Trojan clothes and all. Meg was the first to see me and she looked at me in shock as well.

"Shh, don't wake her. She's been through enough." Meg says grabbing my arm and leading me out of the tent.

"It's really her? This isn't a trick or a dream?" I question as I try and look in the tent again but Meg stops me.

"No it's not a dream or a trick. Diana returned late last night. She was accused by one of the Princes as being a spy. So she returned here." Meg explains to me with a sigh.

"Why did she not come speak to me?" I ask wondering what could possibly be running through Diana's mind.

"She thinks that you have replaced her with another. Though she will never admit it but she does have feelings for you." Meg tells me as she forces me to look at her. "Though I know one of the Princes of Troy love her as well. Yet her insulted her and hurt her. She may need you now more than ever Achilles."

One of those princes hurt her and had the nerve to accuse her of such actions. Rage and anger flow through my veins as I look back to the tent. I never should have let her go. Somehow I should have made her stay her with Meg, Patroclus Just then Patroclus walks out of the tent yawning and stretching. Not knowning what was ahead I walked past him and into the tent. I knelt down beside Diana just as she started to stir.

Once her eyes opened and she sat up just a little I grabbed her and took her in my arms and pressed my lips against hers. I didn't care what deals she had made or what others thought of us this is where Diana belonged right her with me, in my arms. She didn't push me away like I expected her to instead she returned my kiss and held onto me.

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