Chapter 34

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Diana's POV

Looking down to the gardens I watched as Alec played with Levitica, they both seemed to get along quite well. I felt tired though and everyone was worried about me, I felt like I had lost my home. I still believed in Achilles for some reason but I didn't know how long I could keep up with the lie. In my heart, I knew that he had another woman, that's just who he was and how he was raised.

The morning I received word from him, apparently, he knew exactly where I was because when the messenger arrived the seal was still unbroken which meant that Meg hadn't seen it yet. Taking the letter from the messenger I break the seal along with a part of my heart. His words made no sense and it seemed to be a drunken blur to most but something told me this was him releasing me from whatever once held us together. Emotions welled up inside of me as I screamed as the top of my lungs and then feel to my knees in tears. How dare he! After all I had done for him, all that I had sacrificed!

Hector rushed into the room with Paris not too far behind him. Hector took me into his arms as I wept while Paris took the letter from my hand. He read it silently at first until Hector told him to read it aloud.

"As much as it hurt my heart, I cannot keep my claim upon your heart, through that claim we have a wonderful son together and I pray that you teach him well. I cannot be a father to him for I do not know how to be one. I am a warrior first and always. I release you Diana of our vows and claims. May the gods forever grace you with happiness." Paris said as he looked over to Hector and I. "Ending a marriage through a letter, that is true cowardice."

My hand rushed to my mouth as I tried to calm myself but nothing seemed to work. Hector released me for a moment then took the letter from Paris and went to the fireplace. Without one word, he threw it into the flames. Hector looked back to Paris.

"Keep watch on the children, allow me to have some time alone with Diana." Hector tells his brother.

Nodding Paris leaves the room. Still on my knees in a crying mess I feel Hector come behind me and embrace me. Holding me close to him I couldn't help but be comforted by his warmth and scent that all seemed so familiar to me.

"You are stronger than this Diana, don't let him have this power over you. Prove him wrong to leave you behind. You are a strong independent woman. Your son will look up to you more than he ever would to Achilles." Hector tells me and all the words he speaks to me make perfect sense.

Turning to Hector I hug him back. I didn't know why I did it at first but as I looked back at Hector to see him calm and understanding even though he had never been in my situation made me not want to leave him. Leaning in I pressed my lips against his and though I knew it was wrong I wanted to feel loved again, to be wanted or needed by another. Hector entangled his fingers in my hair pulling me closer to him as he deepened our kiss.

Maybe it was a mistake or maybe it was nature finally correcting a mistake? Who had a right to judge me? Certainly not Achilles who no doubt had moved on a long time ago. As much as I ignored the signs something deep inside me knew it was only a matter of time before Achilles left me go forever.

Three more days had passed, three days of me questioning my own judgement. Going to bed with Hector was the not the best idea that I knew but I didn't regret it at all. Obviously Achilles had no problem forgetting about me, I'm surprised he even wrote the letter to release me of my vows. Knowing now that I would have to defend Alec on my own if we ever did leave the palace, I had to beg both Hector and Paris to teach me what they knew about combat. Don't get me wrong, I learned what I could from watching Achilles but he would never teach me himself.

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