Chapter 44

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Diana's POV

The day for me to wear the dress had finally come. I had tried it on many times now but every I did, and I looked into the mirror before me, I could have sworn there was a stranger staring back at me. My heart loved Hector...deep down I knew that, but I could not get rid of this bad feeling I had been having the past two days.

Putting the dress on and looking in the mirror, the feelings return stronger than before, but I put them to the back on my mind. It could just be could feet or nerves. Looking down at the beautiful white gown I couldn't help but love the design of it. It was made just for me and that made it even more special. Meg was helping get the children ready as was Paris. So here I was in my room alone, already for a wedding, my wedding to happen.

Taking a deep breath, I turned around to see my doors open wide. There stood the guards who would escort me to the throne room. What did confuse me was they all wore their helmets as though a war was coming. Just thinking that it was Hector using every precaution he could think of I followed. The all followed close to me and we went almost two thirds of the way to the throne room when out of the corner of my eye I could see other soldiers making their way into the palace, through any means they could. Fear struck inside of me because just from the clothes I knew they were not Trojan.

Looking to one of the men who were guarding me I saw a wicked grin on his face. This was a trap or something. Grabbing the sword from one of the guards before me I turn and push the smiling man away from me. The others turned and the ones who did have their swords grabbed them and pointed at me.

"Make any move whore and we will kill you where you stand." The first guard says with a deadly tone.

"You can try to kill me, it does not mean you will succeed." I comment holding the sword just as I remembered Hector teaching me.

Deciding to take me up on my offer, the man comes at me and begins to fight me using his brute force against me more than anything else. That's when Achilles teaching come to my head.

'Fight dirty, for if the enemy uses brute force against you then that is the only way to beat him.' Achilles told me once.

Grabbing a handful of dirt I throw it in the mans eyes. He stumbles backwards and I take my sword and slice him right across his face. The other men stand back and watch their comrade stumble to the balcony, following him to make sure if I needed to kill him that I would. He stumbled too far though and went right over the balcony. Running to the rails I look down and see the man dead just in time to see Achilles looking up at me.

"Diana behind you!" Achilles yells out to me at the top of his lungs.

Quickly dodging the man whose sword barely misses me. I try to run only to have one of the others grab me, shocking me and making me drop my sword. Thrashing as hard as I can I try to release myself from his hold.

"HELP! HECTOR! ACHILLES! PARIS!" I screamed as loud as I could trying to get help from anyone, even Paris.

"She must marry you fool, release her." An older woman says as she walks forward dressed in almost royal robes. "Achilles is taken care of for the moment, all you have to do is walk down and marry Hector if you don't then I will kill you right here and allow Achilles to watch."

Two other guards come forward holding Achilles with a dagger to his neck.

"Could you live with that Achilles? Watch her die before your eyes and then her death be on your hands and Hector would know you killed his almost wife and almost mother of his child." The woman laughed as I trashed again.

"Diana do it! Just do it damn it!" Achilles yells at me.

Standing before the throne room doors I hold my breath knowing I didn't want this to happen. Hector didn't deserve anything like this. Paris was not the smartest man ever but he had changed. Blinking away a tear the woman came up and whispered in my ear.

"Death will come on swift wings to you all, I promise you wont feel a thing."

The doors then opened and I walked forward, ahead of me Hector stood tall and proud with Paris right beside me. Looking in front of them, there stood the children. Livitica had already lost one mother. I couldn't let this happen, I wouldn't let her father die. Alec would have Achilles and if I knew how to sacrifice myself I knew it would be selfish but my life would be worth less than all of theirs.

Reaching Hector I smile and turn to his as my eyes widen at the sight of Agamemnon standing right behind him. Pulling a sword from his sheath Agamemnon had his sight set on Hector. Pushing Paris out of the way, he made his move and I made mine. Pushing Hector out of the way I take his place but the sword doesn't strike me. Looking down, I am shocked to see Paris sword blocking Agamemnon's. Pushing the fat king forward both Hector and Paris stand and ready themselves with weapons.

The whole crowd goes crazy and begins to run about the throne room. Screams of chaos once again echoed.

"You think I do not have eyes everywhere either Agamemnon? Threatening to start an old war and kill my wife is not wise." Hector states pointing his sword at his throat.

"Threatening? No if you look behind you then you will see I kept that promise." Agamemnon laughs.

Hector turns around just in time to see the well-dressed woman come right for me. Ready to fight I wait to feel her attack yet again I don't feel anything. Instead she is tackled to the floor before me. Achilles takes his sword and in one quick motion the woman's head is removed from her body.

"ACHILLES!" Agamemnon yells at he pushes Hector aside and then grabs me by my neck. "I warned you boy! I will have her head by your hand or mine."

Hector and Paris try to get to me but other soldiers come out of nowhere and hold them back. Grasping at Agamemnon's hand I try to break his hold on me but his grip is tighter than any other.

"MOTHER!" both Livitica and Alec call out to me through tears.

Achilles goes to attack Agamemnon but is prevented by one of Agamemnon's best men. Fighting to try and get to me. I pray meone, anyone would be able to help me. Using all of my strength I kick him trying to break free. Then I feel him release me and my body fall to the ground. However he isn't done with me, picking me up Agamemnon doubles up his fist and hits me in my stomach as hard as he can multiple times and nothing I try to do stops him. Eventually with a laugh he does stop and pushes me to the ground.

Making his way through the crowd he whistles once, and his men release whoever is around. They all gather up and follow their leader.

"This war just the fight, the war has now been started." He yells as he takes his leave.

Standing Achilles makes his way to me. I don't move for fear that if I did my body would fall apart where I stood. Hector also runs up with Paris at his side. Achilles doesn't speak to Hector instead he looks down at me.

"Diana? Can you hear me?" Achilles asks.

I just nod, I don't answer him with my voice.

"There is blood." Paris stammers as he looks down at me.

"She is dying...that is what happens." A female voice speaks softly.

The woman makes her way to me and when I see who she is I know I don't have long left in this time. It is Theis, Achilles mother. Sitting down beside me and taking my hand in hers she gently kisses my forehead.

"You my dear child have had quite the adventure. You have provided so much for those around you. Your time of rest has come." She speaks gently to me with a kind smile.

"What do you mean her time of rest?" Hector speaks up with fear in his voice.

"This is not her time, it never has been yet you all took her in and accepted her as your own. The secret is still her own though, when she leaves here, she truly goes home."

~Please don't be mad, or sad or anything. Something good will happen and even lead to a sequel I promise! *Runs away to hide from readers*~

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