Chapter Nine : Even If It Kills Me

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The question set her mind in a pendulous state. His glare was furious and his eyes changed colours. Black, cloudy grey, brown with sparks like that of lightening. He was losing his cool, something very unusual and frightening of him. Rose couldn't think of anything except for going half numb. The climate was changing. A moment ago it was a clear night sky now an overcast thick and scary night with bolts of lightening.

"Who were you with?" He asked.

"No one. I was here in this room." Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Why was he asking this?

He took a step closer until there was only an inch gap between them. "How dare you lie to me?" Hoarsely he said and his jaw twitching in disgust. Rose slightly shook her head. He got hold of her arm so quick and pulled her close, "Explains your nature. Your denial. Your staying aloof." She winced in pain as his grip tightened.

"You dare take me for a fool?" His voice grew louder and he pushed her to the nearest wall. There was no escape, she was trapped between his frame and the wall in addition to that the pain was growing unbearable. "I am not lying. I was with no one. I was here in this room an hour ago. I-I am not lying." She answered all the questions again with her voice breaking down and she gasped as he caught hold of her other arm, gripping it hard.

"You utter a word false again and you will be punished. Don't try me." He warned, speaking as low and darkly as he could.

"I am not speaking anythi-" Before she could complete he threw her on the floor and a tear escaped her eye. There were red finger marks on her arms, she looked back at him with teary eyes that's when she noticed something unnatural. Red glowing eyes. His sharp canines descended down. Her breathing hitched, her eyes went wide. She couldn't believe the view she was watching. Was it really the King?

He knelt down beside her, his predator eyes travelled all the way down from her face to her feet and he instantly grabbed her neck. She gasped for air and everything seemed to darken around her. Before completely blacking out she heard his faint words, "You will pay for this."

The world around her crumpled into darkness.


The small ray of sunlight pierced through the small part of the glass slide that was left uncovered by the curtains.

Rose squeezed her eyes and tried sitting up. Her head was pounding as if beaten by a hammer. Slowly opening her eyes, she looked around, she was lying on the cold floor and her arms ached due to pain. There was even a piercing pain in her neck and she suddenly flinched on seeing a pair of red eyes glaring daggers at her. He stood up with the scepture in his hand. He looked furious and immaculately dressed. Taking two strides towards her, he got down on a knee and stretched his arm towards her neck which made Rose push back in fear. Will he hit her?

His fingers traced something on her neck which was paining badly. She bit her lip to ease the pain.

"Awake already..." He said.

"Your list of punishment is something endless. Consider it like eternity, since you are bound to me. Your display of loyalty last night will make it even harder. You won't be addressed as the queen anymore but a mere slave of mine who liked to please men a lot. Isn't it." His words dripped harshly of venom. Rose, being weak even to speak due to the unbearable pain.

"Step outside this castle and you are dead."

She experienced another striking pain in her head, without him touching her and she fell unconscious again.

Few hours later when she opened her eyes, she mustered up all the strength she could to stand up. Walking slowly to the door she tried to open it but it was locked. Flopping down on the floor, she cried her eyes out. This was a real nightmare. He was not even a human. She was accused of something she didn't know of. What did he mean and why didn't he trust her? She was not lying, she couldn't even afford to. Knowing it would affect her parents' lives. If she went any against him, he would hurt her and may be even her parents. She was stuck into something where she couldn't even speak the truth or go against his orders. Taking the support of the nearest furniture, she stood up and decided to treat the wounds in her arms and when she checked herself in the mirror, she was shocked to find two puncture marks on her neck.

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