Event Of The Past : Blood and amount

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Due to some odd reasons this book had been in FANTASY section. Please, help promote it in the VAMPIRE section.. *Humble Request *

[Can be skipped]

[For aged 18 and above]

[Read at your own risk]

*[Contains harsh language]*

Savagine Scrunth, a middle aged local moneylender of the town who had been on a two month vacation, unaware of all the circumstances of Krestochia was brought straight after three weeks of the King's marriage.

"Your Grace, why am I brought here?" He spoke rather politely as two guards threw him before his majesty in the dark throne room with the dark lord seated on the throne and his second in command beside.

"There is no need to worry. I just wanted to have a little chit chat with you." The king spoke sarcastically.

Savagine straightened himself and stood up. Giving a fake laugh, he said, "About which matter, Your Highness?"

"Nothing important, just your business. How has been the progress?" He leaned forward, clasping his hands together which dangled off his knees and his elbows rested on his thighs.

"Quite good, sir."

"How many clients are yet to pay?"

"One family, sir."

"And which family might it be?" He tilted his head slightly as his left eye sparked.

"The Collins." Savagine gritted his teeth remembering the deals and agreements. They were yet to pay the amount of exact one thousand pounds. "They past the due date, Sire." Savagine fakely whined, "They aren't ready to pay the sum of exact two thousand." He lied.

"Two thousand?"

"Yes, Your Eminence."

"Isn't that too much to provide to a family with middle status?" He questioned Savagine and he was taken back for a second. "Y-Yes, sir but they begged me and out of pity I provided them with the amount."

Henry hummed in response as if he believed Savagine. "When was the bound date?"

"Twentieth of October, Sire."

Henry nodded then gave his offered a sum, "How about I repay on their behalf, a sum of full three thousand pounds."

Savagine's eyes widened and he hurriedly replied, "How can I repay your kindness, Your Grace." He bowed his head.

Henry gave a small smile and said, "Free them from the agreement without taking a single pound."

Savagine smiled absurdly and asked, "What agreement are you talking about, sir?"

"The agreement that you made them sign as a knave." Henry stared at Savagine who was now covered in cold sweat.

"I-I don't remember, sir. I don't play hoax with my customers." Savagine stuttered a little then got his grip.

"Two thousand pounds?" Henry asked stoically.

"Yes, sir." Savagine gave a plain lie.

"As per the deal, it says one thousand pounds with an interest of three hundred." Henry took the paper of the deal in his hand that Conor, one of his ministers provided him.

"My apologies, I may have made a mistake remembering the sum." Savagine gave a nervous smile.

"Three hundred is beyond the interest limit." The king stated.

"Might be a writing fault. It is eighty six pounds, sir."

Henry stared at the chandelier on the ceiling then back at Savagine, "And that's too less."

Savagine gulped down a lump in his throat as a sweat drop trickled down his spine.

Henry rubbed his chin with his index finger and thumb then glanced back at the paper, "I see you enjoy practicing sadism."

Savagine stilled at his words, "That too upon an eighteen year old innocent who is not a part of the deal." Henry spoke as calmly as possible just like the silence before a hurricane.

"That girl belongs to that family." Savagine gritted his teeth.

"Not biologically. So, it doesn't have anything to do with her besides, it doesn't even have her sign and no proof that she witnessed at the notary."

When Savagine didn't give an answer, the king declared sarcastically, "Mind suggesting a punishment for yourself or do you want me to do this honour?"

Having heard enough and knowing that his truth has been revealed, Savagine spoke loudly, "You cannot hold me captive. There is no such law against me. I wanted my money and I had the full freedom to have her as my mistress. That man himself was ready to give her away! They had to pay my money! It is my personal job! You do not interfere!"

Henry raised an eyebrow and smiled sadistically, "Yes... holding you captive is a very menial punishment. You are right, it is your personal business but forcing someone into something is not. Am I correct?"

Savagine gave a sneer and spat, "What is it to you? It doesn't matter what I do with a girl and how I treat her when there is their own involvement." He continued, "That thing, may I say a useless thing was meant nothing but for fucking. I can make her scream every minute and fuck her raw! Keep her at my feet and rape her every day until I am satisfied that they have paid."

The king gritted his teeth but tried to keep a calm facade, "And what profit would you gain by that?"

"Satisfaction! How can you let go such a fuckable, ripe and untainted thing out of your hands? Have you seen her? I can easily crush that thing with my own hands. It doesn't matter to you how I treat my personal clients! I will tie her naked on my be-" The man fell down on his knees and screamed.

"What was that for?" he stared down at his thigh, registering the dagger that dug in deep.

"For threatening, sadist practising and raping those thirty five females as a part of your deal which even included married women and who were eventually killed." Henry declared.

The man paled and confused at how his deeds leaked.

"And worst out of all, putting your dirty eyes on my woman. Trolls like you don't deserve to live." He growled and threw another knife on Savagine's other thigh earning an agonising scream from him.

"I never put my eyes on your woman, Sire." Savagine snapped breathlessly.

"The girl whom you thought of tormenting, is my queen, Rose Nicolov." Savagine's eyes widened and something clicked in his brain. He had heard about the King's marriage through rumours but never expected that the queen was the same girl he wanted to target next.

Henry got up from his throne and walked own to Savagine, taking his sword out.

Savagine bowed his head and said, "Have mercy, Your Grace."

"It is time to hear your screams." Henry's eyes turned red and even the guards standing a few meters away, feared him.

With a swoosh, he sliced Savagine's left arm and his ear-piercing scream echoed through the whole hall with the splashing of his blood.

"Have mercy..." He begged as tears flowed freely out of his eyes.

Henry chopped off his other arm then kicked him back. Savagine fell with the back of his head on the floor. The king pressed the dagger on his thigh deeper by his foot and even his screams didn't come out due to so much pain.

"That tongue of yours speaks a great deal. How about we give it to the wolves along with your arms?" Henry faintly said but clear enough for Savagine to hear.

Henry ordered the guards who slashed his tongue and cut his intimacy.

There was blood on his hands and clothes,"Take this thing to infirmary. Make sure he is alive. I shall cut each part of him every other day and make him beg for his own death."


Reference : Chapter 2.

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