Chapter Twenty Eight : Dream Shop

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His Highness King Henry's POV:

I saw Karen running towards me, well, humans cannot see a vampire coming but our visuals are much advanced to see them approaching at a slower velocity.

My eyes were not meant to dart on her but they were averting to the beauty that stood there in that white dress, her smooth skin showing a bit more today, this girl has cast a spell on me. I can make her wear this everyday just for me to see her beautiful body, but not in an audience. I want to take her back with me and change her into something that doesn't make her a centre of attraction for the male attention she is getting.

She turned around at me and her blue crystal eyes widened but I saw the same fear I do not want to see on her. I will make her fall for me someday and she would beg me everyday to make love to her. Her soft pink lips parted, I was hardening. Never in my life have been this attracted to someone. I wanted to kiss her senseless but I don't have any motive of forcing her to love me. The guilt is still impaled in my heart but then she was the one for its beat.

"It is so good to see you after such a long time, brother." Karen hugged me but I was busy observing my adorable and nervous wife fiddling with the hem of her skirt looking anywhere but me.

I can see that I have an impinge on her, visible clearly by the blush and the last night she called my name, I wanted to have her so bad in my arms. She didn't refute herself last night and fell asleep in my arms. I never had such good sleep in the past centuries.

"It's good to see you too Karen." I said with a small smile, patting her head. She is still the same baby sister to me.

Nigel, who I hadn't noticed, made his way to my doll who seemed to be having an anxiety attack. He lifted her by her legs in his arms and her hands took support of Nigel's shoulders while he started twirling her around.

"Hey, princess. I missed you." He said making a small giggling sound like a lover boy. Even though I know he sees Rose as his little sister in-law but this was something that infected me with a little jealousy.

My emotions went null the moment I saw something on her face. She gave a small smile. My Rose smiled. That's what I wanted but it should have been me not him.

"Put me down, please." Rose requested in her sweet voice and Nigel put her down.

Nigel grabbed her hand and brought her to me but the happiness that I saw on her face had vanished displaced by the same fear.

"Romeo was going outraged to find you missing, miss." Nigel shook his head and folded his arms.

"Really? How Romantic!" Karen patted my arm. "No. It isn't like that, I just.." I stared into her eyes that were staring deeply in mine like sparkling stones. How do I answer thing without being nebulous. "Okay ... a little." I confessed. What's the point of lying?

"A little." Nigel mimicked earning a glare from me.

"Nigel, would you come with me for a second.. and thanks for carrying these bags Rose." Karen grabbed Nigel's hand and took the bags from Rose's hands.

They left us alone and made me wonder that sometimes, it is Karen who got brain.

"I am so sorry." Rose apologised in her small voice.

"Why, sweetheart? There isn't any need to." I placed my hand on her arms and rubbed it softly as I checked on her body for any injuries or marks.

I was glad to find she was safe.

Slight shivers ran down her spine on my touch, "Thank you." I smiled at her and spoke, "I wanted to make sure you were safe."

"I am." She beamed at me innocently.

I took her soft hand in mine and kissed it, still not breaking the contact of our eyes.

"I just don't like finding pillows in my arms instead of my wife when I wake up." I winked at her and she blushed like a small girl.

"Rose." Karen came all of a sudden interrupting us and pulled Rose in her arms.

"I am sorry, but Nigel and I have a friend to meet. So, we would have to leave you two on your own." Karen pursed her lips in a thin line and looked at me.

"We are taking a taxi. Here are the keys." Nigel threw the car keys at me and I grabbed it with my left hand.

I didn't mind their idea, I wanted sometime alone with my doll, to get to know her more.

"Bye, flower." Nigel placed a small kiss on Rose's cheek and they both left me and a bewildered Rose behind.

"Did you really have to do that!" Karen whisper yelled at Nigel while they were leaving but audible for me to hear.

"I wanted to get a reaction out of him." Nigel smirked at Karen and they finally left the place.


I turned at Rose to see her flustered self about the kiss. "Don't mind my brother. I apologise." I pulled her close by her waist and she glanced at me questioningly.

Rose nodded shyly and I hugged her, inhaling her exotic scent.

"I was worried." I exhaled and reluctantly parted.

"You don't have to apologise." She diverted her eyes again and fiddled with her fingers.

"I know." I kissed her other cheek and ran my fingers through her silk, smooth hair that cascaded down her waist in slight curls.

"Since, Karen's out. It is my responsibility to take you shopping." I grinned at her and Rose gave a small smile. I have completely fallen for this girl. Her smile is enough to melt me down.

"I want you to smile more often." With this her smile brightened and a slight sparkle shone her eyes.

"So, where do you want to go first?"

Rose looked around her in confusion. She had probably never seen such place in her life.

"If you say, I can buy this whole place for you." I whispered in her ear.

"N-No... I don't want this all." She stammered.

I took her to different shops but she wouldn't buy anything on her own, saying, I already gave her everything. She doesn't know that there is still one thing left for me to give her and that is my love.

Even though she was reluctant, I bought her most of the jewelleries and dresses that she needed. She is my queen and I will give everything my queen would need.

"Please, Sire you have already given me so much." She pleaded and my expression hardened as we stepped out of the jewellery shop.

"We had a deal last night of you calling me by my name." I raked a hand through my hair in disappointment but watched her eyes on my hair staring at them wantingly.

"Yes..." Rose bit her lip.

"Yes, what?" I pulled her close to me and she released her lip.

"Henry." Rose turned her face around to prevent her blush from showing.

"Good, sweetheart." I whispered in her ear and she shivered in my arms.

"If you want, I can buy you hundreds of those." I smirked at her as she was still naively staring at a lingerie shop with a blue lingerie on display.

Her eyes widened as realisation dawned upon her and she turned towards me, "I .. no.. not that!" She stammered.

I chuckled at her adorable and flustered self and lead her ahead.


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