Chapter 4

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NOTE: So I've realized that the first names of my main characters happen to be the same first name of the main characters in another book. Some of you have pointed it out, and I appreciated very much. I've message the author asking whether she wanted me to change their names or not, so far no reply yet. But I have come to the final conclusion of changing just Cole's name. Otherwise nothing else will be change. So from now on Cole Collins, will be *drum roll* ~~~~~ Keaton Collins!    

✿◕‿◕✿ Tessa's P.O.V  

Anything else could have been consider fun, watching a bunch of sweaty guys run around the flied was not fun. Of all the things I could have been doing on my beautiful Saturday afternoon, I was stuck watching the football players practice their drills for two hours straight under the dreadful heat from the sun. What a lovely afternoon it was.

To make matters worse, when Keaton came to pick me up, my mother answered the door. And guess what? She invited him over to dinner, and he gladly accepted. No, I didn't end up kissing Keaton for that stupid Lucky Charm thing at football practice. I even threaten to sue him for sexual harassment if he told me to kiss him again. Never will I ever go and watch them play football again, and I wouldn't have if my mother didn't push me into Keaton's arm, telling me to have fun and stay safe.

Irritation was running through my blood stream. I kept my eyes on the road, watching as we drove past by rows of identical houses. I am starting to dislike Keaton with a passion. Since I've meet him, my life has been going downhill.

If he hadn't kissed me, Jake would have never talked to me. Meaning no stupid fist fight with Rochelle which led to me being expelled. He even knew how to push my buttons, even more reasons to hate people like Keaton. Just thinking about Keaton stinking Collins made me grind my teeth together like a madman.

"Uh, you okay Tessa? You look a little tense, like about to go on a rampage tense."

"Just shut up and drive." I spat at him in a venomous tone. He looked like he wanted to throw in one of his cocky remarks, but my death glare sent him back to driving silently.Sure, I was being a bitch for no reason. But that is what you get for annoying the shit out of a girl who got a visit from Mother Nature very early this month.

Shortly after we had arrived at my house in utter silence. In the driveway instead of the usual two parked cars, we had two extra cars sitting there. One of them belonging to my mom's long term boyfriend, Gaven. I guess the other car had belonged another guest that mom had invited over, probably one of her colleagues.

As I made my way into the house, I spotted Gaven and mom sitting on the couch watching one of my mom's favourites, The Note Book.

"Hi Tessa!" Gaven open his arms as he pulled me into a warm welcoming hug. Gaven was probably the best thing that had happen to my mom. A lot of people would have thought that she would have been all depressed and broken, and she was. All until Gaven appeared into the picture.

"Munchies!" A oddly familiar voice, my head spun to the entrance of the kitchen to see no one other than my big brother, Drake. I quickly ran off into his direction before taking a huge leap onto his arms. My brother hardly visited since he goes to university all the way in New York, plus he always had intern ships during the summer and holiday seasons. If he did visit, it was very rare that he would stay more than a day.

"Who's he?" Drake said pointing to the other side of the room where Keaton and Gaven were talking.

"Don't tell me he's your boyfriend Munchies, now I have to interrogate both him and that Gaven guy?"

"Ugh, Keaton is nowhere near being my boyfriend, he isn't even my friend. Mom invited him over for dinner."

"Dinner's ready!" My mother piped in as she tugged onto Gaven's sleeve, dragging him into the dining room. As I sat down into my chair, I just realized that Chasity was still nowhere to be seen. Typical Chasity, it is either she is getting real cozy with Alec or at some party.

Lucky Kiss Number 13Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ