Chapter 16

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I've been standing outside of Keaton's room for a good twenty minutes or so, just staring at the number 513 that was on the door. I rocked the fruit basket that my mother made me bring. I just didn't know what I was about to see. I didn't have a single clue on how he was doing, all I know is that he was in the hospital cause stupid me decided to let a stupid drunk person drive home. In all of my life, this had to be the most stupid thing that I have done.

I was anxious, I could hear my heart beat fast and faster as every second went by. Every time I brought my hand closer to the door knob, I would freeze. I just didn't have the courage to open the door. The longer I stood out here, the closer I was to run back to my car and drive home. How was I going to live with myself if I knew that I could have prevented someone from dying?

"Tessa? Is that you?" I turned around to see Keaton's mom, shinning brighter than ever. The guilt started to flood back in again.

"I'm so sorry. I feel like this is completely my fault, it's just that-"

"What are you talking about sweetie? How is a tow truck ramming onto the side of his car your fault? He's not even hurt sweetie, all he has are a couple of cuts and bruises." She said in a soft and calm voice.

"What? But Kaylenne came to my house this morning screaming and crying about Keaton being in the hospital, I thought he had some serious injuries because he was drunk driving."

"No, no. You see I called Kaylenne this morning when I got a call from the hospital, she didn't let me finish speaking when she hung up the phone. It must have been to the lack of communication. Although Keaton was drunk driving, it actually wasn't his fault. Some tow truck rammed into the back of his car causing him to run into a pole. Otherwise, nothing life threatening really happened."

I sigh in relief.

"Oh and Tessa? If Kaylenne said some unnecessary things this morning, don't take it to heart. When she was younger, her parents used to go on business trips together all the time. She spent more of her time at our house then at her own. Keaton and her pretty much grew up as siblings. If anything were to happened to him, she'd be devastated. So whatever she had said to you, I'm pretty sure she was just over reacting."

Sure she was overreacting, but was calling me a bitch really necessary?

I followed Keaton's mother into the room where Keaton was watching T.V with Jay and Kaylenne.

"Hey. How are you Keaton?" My voice wasn't harsh or filled with anger like it did last night, it was calm and steady. Keaton whipped his head around, looking a bit shocked of my presence. A wide smile appeared onto his face, as he fixed his posture.

"Hey guys, can I have a quick work with Tessa?" Keaton said in his deep husky voice. As everyone began to exit the room.

"Tessa. I really want you to hear me out-" Keaton began.

"I forgive you." I coolly said.

"It's just that, wait what?" He said in disbelief.

"I forgive you silly. I've finally realized that yes what you did was so fucking stupid, but being mad at you won't really do anything good for me. You should get some rest Keaton, we have exams this week plus you also have your final football game tomorrow."

"Are you going to come tomorrow to cheer me on?"

"Don't think so Keaton, I really want to do well on my exams." I said honestly, before passing one of the oranges that was in the basket.

"I understand, I guess that means I'll be seeing you on graduation then." He said, sounding a little bit disappointed.

"I guess so, I'll see you later then. Gotta hit the books." I said, not caring how nerdy that had just sounded.

☆ '•.¸.•' º ☆

-One Week Later-

"Students of Pineview High, you have come a long way since the beginning of your high school career. I would like to congratulate the students of 2014 for working hard throughout the years, you have finally made it. You are all about to leave and go onto the road of life in order to peruse your dreams. Once again, good luck fellow students of Pineview High, this chapter is coming to an end as a new one begins."

A crowd of us graduates clapped our hands as we stood up from the chairs and threw our blue caps high up in the air.

I finally graduated, after four whole years of hell.

"Class of 2014 bitches!" One of the guys somewhere in the back screamed.

The random girl standing next to me high fived me as she screamed, "Class of 2014!"

I scanned around the football field, as I spotted my mother and brother running up towards me.

"Oh my God! My baby is all grown up now. I'm going to miss you so much!" She pulled into an extremely tight and overwhelming hug, as tears started to roll down her eyes.

"Looks like my baby sis has finally grown up. She's finally a bird with wings ready to fly, a caterpillar turning into a butterfly, and tadpole into a-" My one and only brother began.

"Please don't ruin my moment with your crappy metaphors." I said in a sweet but equally sarcastic voice.

I saw Keaton and Jay waving their arms up in the air from the other side of the field. I told my mom and brother that I would catch them up at home later, whenever I return back from the after party that is.

I made my way towards the two guys in my seven inch heels. My gown was open, showing off my beautiful tight white lace dress that I had bought specifically for graduation.

"Can you believe it? No more high school!" Jay screamed into my ears.

"Party Time!" I screamed back into his ears.

☆ '•.¸.•' º ☆

This was probably going to be the best party of my life. Everyone was still dressed formal since we were still all in our graduation outfits. The after party was thrown at the house of some guy named Kingsley. This was such a huge occasion that they had even hired Dj, as well as catering. And Guess what? Open Bar!

I began to sing the lyrics to Young and Wild and Free, as we all brought our cups into the air swaying them side to side.

"So what we get drunk? So what if we smoke weed! Were just having fun, we don't care who sees. So what if we go out? That's how it supposed to be! Living young and wild and free!" I screamed at the top of my lungs along with the others that were in the living room.

"Hey Tessa!" An arm grabbed onto my waist, pulling me back from the crowd. I turn around to see Keaton grinning at me, I followed him into the back yard where people were swimming in the pool. The music was less loud out here where I would be able to hear him properly, but it was still pretty loud.

"I can't wait for this summer Tessa. It's going to be the best!"

I grinned at him, before bringing the red solo cup back to my mouth.

"I was planning that out first date should be camping. Then we could go do regular couple stuff. Whatever you chicks fantasize of a perfect date being. Like a panic at the park or something like that?" He started to ramble, while I stared at him in confusion.

"Date? What are you talking about, why would we go on a date?" I questioned him.

"Cause we're going to be dating now?" He empathize the word dating. Wait hold up. It took me a while to process this through, he thought that we were dating?

"Were not dating Keaton." I couldn't help but to laugh.

"What do you mean? You forgave, we both like each other. Is there something that I'm not understanding?" He questioned me in a serious tone, as he raised one eyebrow.

"Keaton, just because I forgave doesn't mean that were dating or anything. Were just friends Keaton."

"Are you serious? I went to your fucking house that night and confessed so much shit." He sighed in frustration, he had a scent of alcohol in his breathe.

"Keaton. Were not even compatible of dating each other, were just going to end up breaking up with each other and ruin the friendship instead." I told him, trying to sound reasonable.

"What do you mean were not compatible? We're perfect for each other, everyone can see it! Are you still mad about the bet? Is this why you didn't come to my game? I thought you said that you were over it. I bet you if I had asked you out before you found out about the bet, you would have said yes within the second you asked." His voice was getting louder and louder.

"Are you honestly bringing this up now? I don't care about the bet, ok? It was fucking stupid as hell, but I honestly don't care about it anymore. Your being such an asshole right now ok? Why can't you just accept the fact that not everything will go your way! Sure maybe I would have said yes if you had asked me out before, but you and I both know we would have broken up. We just both like the idea of dating each other, when we know that our problems would have just gotten in the way. This thing that we have is nothing but puppy love. We hardly spend any time together, we only see each other at school the majority of the time and that is it. I don't know anything about you at all. You don't even know anything about me! The list just keeps going on why dating each other is a bad idea."

"I do know things about you Tessa." He said coolly, trying to make it sound like he knew everything possibly needed to be known in this world.

"Fine. What's my favourite colour then?" I questioned him in a frustrated tone.


"Not even close. It's black. What's my favourite food? Favourite Song? Favourite number?" We both stood there in silence.

"I can start learning things about you then, I have all the time in the world that is needed."

"Keaton. No. You're going to find someone else ok? The chances of us staying together forever is pretty much none. The time that we spent together made me realise a lot of things, the mistakes that we made, the memories that we had together. We're just not meant to be, maybe in another life." I tried my best to make things less complicated by acting a bit calm.

"Can't we just try and see how things work out? In the fall I'll be going to Yale and you'll be at Columbia. We'll only be an hour and a half apart. We can make things work if we try. If you keep being so damn complicated things won't work out."

"I'm not going to Columbia." I replied to him in shock, never once have I brought up in a conversation that I wanted to go to Columbia.

"Yes you are. Don't lie to me Tessa, Noah told me."He said in his defense.

"Why would Noah tell you that I was going to Columbia?" I asked him once again.

"Who else did you think I ask to go spy on you while you threw a little tantrum?" He said coldly. Of course. This must have been the side that everyone was talking about. His bad sad. More like his jerk side.

"I met Noah in Miami, right after I found out about your stupid bet." I said suspiciously.

"Kaylenne saw you storming out with that face that you make when you're mad. She knew I was meeting up with the guys to talk about the bet. You add the two up."

"So Noah never really liked me then?" I asked, feeling a little disappointed. But then again a bit relief.

"Why the hell would he like you? He's gay Tessa, he also happens to be Jay's boyfriend."

"Let me get this straight, you knew that I knew about the bet and pretended that you were the victim in the situation when I ignored you. You kept on pretending that nothing happened. You didn't trust me, so you got Noah to hang out with me. Why the fuck are you doing this? I'm not a piece of property where you can just do whatever you want with me ok? I don't want to make this work. I'm not even going to fucking Columbia anymore. I'm moving to Canada to go to the University of Toronto. I got my offer yesterday and accepted right away. I can't believe you!" I said in anger as a bunch of emotions started to rush through my head.

"Why the hell would you want to move there? Don't Canadians live in igloos? Are you seriously going to move to another country just to get away from me? You're acting like such a drama queen. Why won't you try to make things work Tessa? You should consider yourself lucky that you were the first girl that I confessed my feelings too. Do you have any idea how many girls out there would die to be in your spot. Hell, I could make one call right now and a bunch of girls will come." He shouted, spending spit into my face.

"Well why don't you fucking call them then and accept the fact that the world doesn't revolve around you. I can't fucking believe that I actually fucking forgive you, thinking that we could be friends. I was sure as hell wrong. Consider this friendship done." I spat into his face.

"Stop being such a bitch Tessa."

He called me a fucking bitch. I had enough of this conversation. I shoved him into the pool that he was standing next to. I stormed off, hearing my name being shouted by him.

I bump through people as I tried to make my way out of the house. I crashed into someone as the gently pushed in back. "Whoa, slow down there. Someone's in a rush aren't they." I looked up to see Noah.

"Fuck off." I rolled my eyes at him before making my way to the car.

I can't wait to fucking move across the border.

Note: this is not the end.

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