Chapter 2. A Choice We Would Soon Regret.

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Repost of Chapter 2! First or second time reader I hope you enjoy! Vote, comment, support! Thank you!

Ladies and gents my favorite British actor EVA (Jace isn't British) Alex Pettyfer as the all to perfect Jace Dawson >>>>

“WAIT!” I shouted. Jace slammed on the breaks. We were almost halfway home and half an hour over curfew. My dad would flip, but minds well have fun now, I'd definitely be grounded.

 “What?” he shouted.

 “Go that way. We can try going over a hundred.” I said sweetly, pointing down the long road that led to the old abandoned paint factory.

“I don’t know Izzy. It’s getting late. Why don’t we just go home?” he said gripping the stirring wheel. I knew he was too afraid my father would kill him.

“Come on,” I whispered kissing his cheek, my only weapon against him.

 “Fine,” He turned onto the road, begrudgingly.

He slammed the gas pedal to the floor and the car shot forward like a rocket.

“This is so awesome!” I laughed. I glanced over at Jace, His knuckles where pure white as he gripped the steering wheel. “Relax, have some fun.” I told him.

 “I guess you’re right.” He smiled looking at me. We locked eyes for what only seemed like a second, but in that second so much changed.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw a dark shadow running towards the road.

“Jace what’s that?” I asked. Jace slowed the car down as the figure ran out onto the road.

“It’s a man,” Jace said slowing the car to a stop. The man began to walk towards us.

“Jace I don’t think we should stop.” I warned. The man was now standing at the hood of the car.

The moon shined down brightly and his hand glinted. My heart dropped to my stomach.

“Jace, go.” I ordered.


“Go Jace!” I screamed throwing the car into reverse myself.

The man raised his hand and my fears were right, he had a gun.

Jace swore and flew backwards. Another car, however, had blocked the road.

“Jace go,” I begged as the man drew closer to the car.

“I can’t go anywhere!” He cried. He clicked the door locks.

“Get out of the car!” The man screamed waving the gun at the us.

His partners got out of the car that had blocked us in, each with their own gun.

“Stay here; the windows are bullet proof we’re fine.” Jace said his voice cracking. I tried to stay calm. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it hard.

“Get out!” He screamed pulling on the door. It didn’t open. He aimed at the glass and both Jace and I ducked down into our knees. He shot and the glass shattered.

“Now is not the time to lie to me Jace!” I shrieked still clutching his hand.

The man reached inside the car and unlocked it.

“Get out, now.” He ordered. Jace and I listened this time. As we stepped out of the car the lead man grabbed Jace and a partner grabbed me.

“Look at this, boys, we got ourselves our nice little hostage. We’re gonna get lots of money outta this boy’s folks!” The leader shouted.

Kidnapped: Book 1Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ